House Updates

BLACKWOOD: <3 (the best house update):
Wow Blackwood, we really did kick this year off with a bang! Not only did we dominate in the pool at our annual MSAC swimming carnival, but we also managed to take the house spirit trophy too! Your leadership team couldn’t be prouder of the hardwork and dedication you are all showing already.
While swimming was once again, a huge success (and we took our 4th win in a row), and we are of course, so proud of all of our swimmers, we are most proud of the spirit and house pride you all showed. Winning is amazing, but what matters most is supporting one another and Blackwood is doing a fantastic job already! The house spirit award is one we haven’t won in a long time, so seeing all those wonderful blue costumes (especially those that took on our ocean theme) was such a treat! Moreover, the passion you all displayed in our house chanting and from the stands throughout the day, was phenomenal, and a passion we hope to see you all keep up in the coming years (or year for those of us in year 12).
This Term we took in a new cohort of year 9 students as well as a few new year 10 and 11 students. We hope that the newest members of the Blackwood family feel comfortable and welcomed here. The passion we have seen from our newest students already is impressive and we are so glad to be part of such a lovely house. You all make our jobs as your house captains an absolute pleasure and we are beyond excited to see what else you will do this year.
Our annual athletics carnival is fast approaching, and we hope that you carry your house spirit across this exciting event too! We hope that you continue to get involved and impress us with your blue fashion and pride.
House Chorals are also underway, with our songs, choirs and instrumentalists almost finalised already! We are in a great place to really showcase our musical talents this year, and we hope that you are all keen to get involved.
Just remember that these big three events are not all that matters for the end of year house cup! There are heaps of small events to look forward to, like House Debating, House Art and the newly introduced House Drama. And of course, the values card count! There is a competition for everyone, and we can’t wait to see you all get involved in your own ways!
As always, please reach out to your leaders for anything, whether it is a positive comment, something you want us to improve on, a new event you just need to see, or even just someone to talk to, we want to hear from you, so please contact us!
Keep up the great work Blackwood!
Aryius Alves B1 & Sophie Parnham B7 (Blackwood House Captains)
Hey Kororoit! House Captains Jewo & Ishaan here with a quick Term 1 update!
We kicked off the term with our first big event of the year, Swimming Carnival - and through the hard work of our sports captain Kean and all of the swimmers, we were able to pull through and get 2nd place, which is nothing short of a great achievement, SO CONGRATULATIONS KOROROIT!!!! Special mentions go out to our top performers, who were crucial in the day going as well as it did!
- Year 9: Louise Chin & Sam Brooker
- Year 10: Jasmine Vixayvong & Jason Tan
- Year 11: Leyna Ha & Ramika De Silva
- Year 12: Shreya Pradhan & Noah Innes
This term, we also welcomed a new cohort of students, the Year 9s! You all seem so eager and enthusiastic about participating in the house program, as can be seen in the silver medal we got for the Primus cup earlier this term.
In addition to the great leaders this year, we welcome our new House Spirit Captains, Shreya Pradhan and Alicia Grigg!! They will be making many contributions in decorating our amazing house area, encouraging participation, reaching out to everyone and more importantly in really strengthening the connections between everyone in the house.
Looking forward, Chorals remains as a major event, and with the awesome solos, ensembles, choirs and arrangements that Chorals captain Joey and the rest of his team have put together, there’s no doubt we can smash it out the park and secure the House Cup this year!
That's all from us, so stay safe over the final stretch of the term and feel free to reach out if you need anything!
Kororoit House Captains, Jewoseydi Barry (K5) & Ishaan Arora (K1)
Hi Cottrell!
It’s your House Captains here, Nathan and Carin, giving you a quick house update!
Firstly, a huge congratulations to our amazing Year 9s for winning the Primus Cup! We are absolutely astonished at the dedication our Year 9s have been displaying already 1 month in. It’s fantastic to see such a strong start. Keep it up!
Cottrell’s dedication has been evident across all year levels, however, particularly in the lead-up to Swimming. We had over 30+ Cottrellians giving up countless lunchtimes to help create banners and props. Talk about House Pride! With these creations, made by a splendid group of students, it’s no wonder Cottrell came 2nd place in House Pride.
Reflecting on swimming, Cottrell continued to demonstrate enthusiasm by taking the win in Mini House Challenges and getting 2nd place in House Pride. Evidently the teachers were blown away by Cottrell’s teamwork, style, and of course, voices! Our epic house chant and jaw-dropping costumes is exactly what we’re all about.
We are confident that Cottrell will continue to wow the crowd in Athletics; the participation is already very promising. We cannot wait to see what you guys can and will continue to do. On that note, get excited for Chorals! Our chorals captain has been working hard to make this Chorals one to remember, with a very special Mass Song coming your way!
Finally, as your house captains, we are thrilled to see progress being made towards our goal. The house spirit is high and strong, your leadership team could not be more proud! We look forward to seeing in a couple months from now how far we have come, but until then, KEEP IT UP! After all, we are all one big pod :D
Carin Danial (C8) and Nathan Pham (C8)
Hey Rothwellians!!!🦅
What a busy term it has been for us! In just our 2nd week back at school, we participated in our annual Swimming Carnival. Although 3rd doesn't display our true potential, we are all so proud of you guys! Your efforts on the day were unbelievable. You guys were that amazing we don't know how to describe your efforts to your parents😅. The chanting was impeccable throughout the day and it was definitely worth losing our voices (Mr Kelly 100% doesn't regret it😁)! But what we are most proud of is your willingness to step up! Unfortunately, many Rothwellians had to pull out because of injuries and personal reasons but we were able to find replacements for EVERY SINGLE EVENT! We thank everyone for stepping up and contributing to our house. A huge shout out to our Sports Captain Maeve for preparing and motivating the house for the Swimming Carnival and the upcoming Athletics Carnival. The whole house couldn't have done it without you and appreciates the work you have put in!!
To our Year 9's you guys have started your journey in the school with a bang, getting a HUGE W at the Year 9 Westgate House Sports Day and sparing no other house! Coming 2nd in the Primus Cup by the tightest of margins is still no easy feat so you guys should be proud of what you have achieved in such little time! We hope you guys have been able to see why we are the family house and the best house in the whole school!
We also would like to welcome our House Drama Captain, Manasvi (Naz) Vasamsetti to the Leadership team 🥳! There's no doubt that you will lead Rothwell to House Arts and House Drama glory! Speaking of that, Sid and Naz have been creating masterpieces in preparation for House Art whilst Alonso has been cooking up the heat as we get ready to sweat out Chorals! Things are looking real good for us💪!
We hope all the enthusiasm and energy continue to radiate in our house! We definitely know that energy hasn't gone yet as you guys showed tremendous dedication in our relay trials and practice. Do we hear a bounce back at Athletics? We think so😤. As the end of Term 1 nears, remember to pace yourself, keep up the good work and seek us if you need any help! But most importantly...FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!💪💪💪
- Rothwell House Captains, GiaLuan Joaquin Tchen (R4), Manya Arya (R9)