Save the Dates

Monday 27th to 29th of March - Learning Conversations - Parents meet with teachers

Tuesday 4th of April - Annual General Meeting for School Board - Parents welcome

Friday 7th of April  - Good Friday - School is closed

Monday 10th of April is Easter Monday - School is closed

Friday 14th of April - Carnival between 11:20 and 1:20 pm parents are invited to attend and can take their children home at the end of the carnival.


Term 2

May 1st - Pupil Free Day

May  2nd - School Resumes - all students are back

July 7th  - Last Day of term



Term 3

July 24th  - Pupil Free Day

July 25th  - School Resumes - all students are back

September 28th- Sports Day

September 28th  - Last Day of Term


Term 4

October 16th - Pupil Free Day

October 17th - School Resumes - all students are back

December 13th - Last Day of term. (This is a Wednesday)