From the Assistant Principal Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing

Jason Puttnins

Haseeb (Year 5/6)

Elisa (Year 4/5)

Amy (Year 2/3 Blue)

Mohammad (Year 2/3 Yellow)

Daniel (Rec/1 Blue)

Farwa  (Rec/1 Yellow) *absent*


SRC is the St Brigid’s School Student Representative Council. They will represent the students in their class and act as their class’s voice to speak about the things in the school that they like, what they want to improve, or the new things they would like to introduce.


On the agenda for our first meeting was the discussion of expectations and responsibilities of the role, how we will gather the thoughts of all the students at St Brigid’s, and lastly, the presentation of the SRC badge.


Our SRC was chosen by the classroom teachers and they will be in the role for Terms 1 and 2. If your child would like to be involved in the SRC, please encourage them to discuss this with their classroom teacher, as we will require new students for SRC in Terms 3 and 4.


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning

Jason Puttnins

Assistant Principal Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing