From the Principal Class

Dear Viewbank Community,
We are well into term one and students have settled into a routine.
This week we had the House Athletics Carnival and it was a great success.
The weather was fantastic and we had great participation from the students who attended.
Year 7 & 9 students are underway with NAPLAN testing.
This is an important measure of how your child is progressing in their learning, so we encourage full participation.
Please check the list of upcoming events.
Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences
Our Student/Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up and this is a great opportunity to touch base with teachers, hear your student reflect on their learning and discuss next steps in that learning progress. Whatever pathway your student takes, we know that education is the key determinant in future wellbeing and prosperity.
A key feature of these conferences will be students reflecting on their learning behaviours.
These are a key focus for the whole College in building the agency or efficacy of students to take responsibility for their own learning progress.
An individual’s agency (ability to help self) is another key determinant in future success.
In check-points and in interim reports, there is a stepped approach 1-4 to highlight strengths and areas work on in terms of their learning behaviours.
There will be more information to come when the reports are released on Friday 24th March.
Conference bookings will be opened on Compass shortly after.
Homework and Home study
One of the things that we have noticed since Covid lockdowns is that many students have not developed a routine or ability to dedicate time to completing homework or home study. This is something we are working on with students, particularly at the senior end.
Habits of successful learners: this includes regular, scheduled times for completing homework or study.
Revising (reading over or answering questions) key knowledge and concepts learnt during the day and practising or applying these.
Students need to set specific goals and keep to time to maintain motivation.
Some things parents can do at home:
- Help your student establish their quiet study space.
- Talk about how they can take control of that space and avoid distractions. Mobile phones are the biggest distraction. Try and set boundaries about time on games and social media.
- Ensure that they are consistent - that routines are established.
- Help students manage competing commitments (sport, work).
- Sit down with your student and discuss what they are learning.
- Have dinner time conversations about current events or issues and how they relate to the learning.
The College now has course catch up sessions and our Thursday Study Hall in the Library.
Please contact your House Leader or Head of House if you want further information or support.
It is a little disappointing that after a great start to the year, there are a small number of students who are starting to appear daily in non-uniform items.
Most commonly, hoodies or sweats, black socks, and incorrect footwear.
Please engage your student in a conversation about why wearing the correct uniform is important.
We believe that community building is not about compliance, but about wanting to be a positive member of the College community.
Please speak with Penelope Cleghorn (Assistant Principal - Middle School) or Anna Crosswhite (Assistant Principal - Senior School) for a confidential discussion of your needs to support your student with uniform.
College Council:
I would like to announce that as a result of our College Council elections, we are welcoming three new members for 2023.
I would like to welcome our new parent representatives -Houwaida Ayoub and Alice Sun (both with a student in Year 7).
I would also like to welcome our student representative - Zoe Bastian (Year 10).
Thank you for volunteering to represent the views of the parent community and your commitment to Viewbank College.
Papua New Guinea Book Drive - Thank you and Certificate of Appreciation
Please see below Thank you and Certificate of Appreciation to our College Community from our recent book drive.
Smile Squad is coming to this school
The Smile Squad team from Banyule Community Health are coming to our school soon.
Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program.
This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.
How to access free dental care
We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian.
Sign up to Smile Squad at:
OR use the below QR code:
Please complete and submit the consent form by the 14th of April, 2023.
The Banyule Community Health Smile Squad look forward to seeing you soon.
Also, please see below the new proposed dates for Smile Squad with the student clinical placement.
Examination & Treatment Van | 24th April until 12th May |
Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF)
CSEF (Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund) can be accessed by families with an eligible Pensioner Concession or Health Care Card. It may also be available to Foster Parents and Veteran's Affairs Pensioners. CSEF can be used towards Camps, Sports & Excursions.If you received CSEF in 2022, you do not need to do anything further. If you are new to our College or may have recently become eligible, please complete the attached form and return it to the General Office.If you are unsure, please do not hesitate to contact Marnie on 9458 2811.
Sharon Grimes, Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Anna Crosswhite, Assistant Principal
Penelope Cleghorn, Assistant Principal