Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

Nature and Nurture 


We had a very calming week as we are halfway through the school term.


In the mornings we have ended our sessions with a 5-8 minute meditation session.  We are utilising the Smiling Minds app to help encourage the children to take a few minutes out of their day to help their focus and concentration.


At first the children struggled to take a moment for themselves.  Now they are participating knowing how great they feel.  They are going off to school in a very calm way.




While outside at After School Care we have been watching the Rainbow Lorikeets munching on the trees outside LS1.


Rainbow Lorikeets are very colourful, with a bright red breast, blue/black belly and head, as well as a red bill. Very conspicuous, often observed calling loudly while flying overhead or feeding. Note the much longer tail than Scaly-breasted Lorikeet. 


No range overlap with Red-collared Lorikeet, which has an orange breast and neck. Found in a wide range of habitats, including urban areas. In the evening and early morning can be seen roosting in very large, noisy flocks.



Our upcoming Vacation Care program will be out shortly.

We will be in operation from Tuesday, 11th April to Friday, 21st April.


Keep an eye out for information in the newsletter and on display around the school. 


The Kharisma Kids Team