Climate Canons News 

Sustainablilty leaders

Clean Up Australia Campaign

ON Wednesday, 1 March, St Norbert College students and staff participated in Clean Up Australia Day events. Thank you to all those who got involved in the Clean Up Australia Day Blooket Quiz and the lunchtime Trash Treasure Hunt and clean up.


Congratulations to the following students who have been presented with prizes: Branden Clow (K2), Joel Dawson (P6) and Joseph Abusman (M5) for winning the Fishing Frenzy. Levi Buthelho (T7), Ashton Ricafranca (T4) and Nicole Alconaba (P6) who scored the highest percentage on the Blooket quiz and Mrs Stirling’s M6 Homeroom who achieved the highest score on the Blooket quiz. 

Australia has a plastics problem. Australia now produces 2.5 million tonnes of plastic waste each year, equating to 100 kg per person. Of this, only 13 per cent of plastic is recovered and 84 per cent is sent to landfill. 


Remember to use the bins around the school and think about what can go into the Containers for Change bins. We can all help fight the war on waste.


Miss D Pisconeri

(Climate Canons Coordinator)