Student Wellbeing
Rainbows Program at Salvado Catholic College
Rainbows is a program which has been created to assist in providing a path towards healing for those grieving a significant loss or life altering experience. The core of the program is centred on trust, acceptance and sharing. It allows for those who are hurting to understand their feelings and to develop some of the tools required to move forward in helping to resolve their grief and anxiety.
Many experiences may occur in a child’s life which can be overwhelming for them to be able to cope with and indeed enjoy their precious years of childhood. Separation or divorce between parents, the loss of a family member/close family friend, a serious illness or accident, moving house/school/state/country or any other significant change can be a crushing event in a child’s life. The impact for them can be very overwhelming. These situations affect children socially, spiritually, behaviourally and academically. Through Rainbows, children are helped to speak about their feelings, build a stronger sense of self-esteem and dispel their guilt and anger over the changes in their family or circumstances.
Expressions of interest
In the week ahead your child will be coming home with information in relation to the Rainbows program, together with an Expression of Interest form for completion. Please ensure you keep an eye out for this in your child’s satchel. Please also make note of the date for return.
If you have any questions about the program, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Have a great week everyone.
Mrs Kerry Browne
Wellbeing Coordinator
Upcoming podcasts/workshops regarding Student Wellbeing
Staying Safe and Happy Online Webinar – Michelle Mitchell.
Live Date: Wednesday 22nd March
Time: 6pm – 6.45pm AEST / 7pm – 7:45 ADST / 4pm – 4:45pm AWST
Cost: $20.00 AUD
From Michelle:
My 2023 has started with a steady stream of emails from parents of tweens, really concerned about their child’s online experiences. I am hearing about vulgar language in group chats, inappropriate advertising on YouTube, and obsessions with gaming. One things is for sure – our kids need us by their side to help them navigate the online world.
In this episode I want to give your tween tools to help them have a happy and safe online experience. I will be talking about what to do if you come across anything rude, scary or nasty, why parents sometimes say ‘no’ and the tricks that companies use to make kids spend more time (and money) online.
Please note: This episode will be a very PJ version of what I usually present in schools for this age group. I will also include a few resources for parents will come in a follow up email after this episode.
Raising Teens with Collett Smart - podcast.
Season 6 Episode 1 – Difficult Behaviours with
Andrew Fuller (Clinical Psychologist)
To start off a brand-new season, Collett chats with Andrew Fuller about some of the tricky behaviours that teens seem to have.
Help: My kid crumbles when he's not good at something Podcast
Parental as Anything by Maggie Dent
Resilience is a good attribute to encourage in our kids. But what if your child is a perfectionist who gives up at the slightest hint of failure? A laidback dad seeks out advice on his son's perfectionist tendencies. How can we teach our kids to fail, and fail often?
Do you have a question for Maggie? Send a voice memo to; and include your name and contact number.
The advice provided in this podcast is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. If you require further advice specific to your needs please consult a professional.