Freeman House News

We have just passed the halfway mark of Term 3 with Learning Conferences occurring this week. Learning Conferences are a great way for teachers, students, and caregivers to meet and discuss student achievement that has occurred. Recently we celebrated student achievement with a Mid-Year Awards Assembly. Congratulations to all students who received an award, especially Freeman students; the Freeman House Team are very proud of you all!
Learning Habits reports have been released recently. We hope that students have taken the opportunity to reflect on these and celebrate their achievements as well as looked at opportunities for improvement.
A number of important events are also coming up for senior school students, including the GAT, which all students studying a Unit 3 & 4 or Senior VCAL must complete. Leading up to and preparing the year 12 students for the end of year exams, the College will also be running exams to prepare students for this at the end of term. These events are being led by the Senior School Student Learning Leaders and the Freeman House Team.
We also welcome Ms Mraz to the Freeman Team. Ms Mraz who is the STEAM Leader at Hampton Park S.C., has taken on the position of Acting Assistant Principal for the Freeman House over the next few weeks. We look forward to working with Ms Mraz and know that she is very excited to work with the Freeman House Team, Students and their families.
Values Nominations:
Over the last month Freeman students have been raking in the values nominations. Special congratulations goes to the following students for a super month of values nominations;
Madi H. (year 7), Afiafi T. (year 8), Bria G. (year 8), Brock K (year 7), Abas F. (year 11)
Over the last month, the total Freeman student nomination are;
- Respect; 44 nominations
- Learning; 330 nominations
- Working Together; 98 nominations
- Leadership; 11 nominations
- Community; 11 nominations
Freeman Student of the Month:
Winudi Kinara Wimalasekere
Winudi is our Student Science Domain Leader at Hampton Park S.C. and has been instrumental in running and organising a number of activities for students for Science Week.