Hollows House News

Hello Hollows!
Well, here we are at the end of Week 6 of Term 3. It is hard to believe that those in Year 12 will only be with us for another 6 weeks! Year 12 students now is the time more than ever to give us everything you have got- you need to finish this journey strong. All those years of schooling comes down to this final 6 weeks before you enter exams and then we enter a whole new conversation about success and the where to next really becomes the reality. We remind you to ‘be your best’, show us how great you can really be and devote all that you have to these final few weeks- the finish line is well and truly in sight.
For the rest of us, Year 10 and 11 students, you should also be setting yourselves up for the finish line. Whilst you have a bit longer to go this year (as well as next year), there are so many things happening in these next few weeks for you all, regardless of which pathway you are undertaking, and it is imperative that you work towards being your best. You only have 9 more weeks of classes and then we move into your exam period, followed by commencement. Ask yourself, how am I going to finish this year? Have I been my best self this year? Can I be better? Can I show them how great I can really be with this short time frame left in 2022?
Years 7 to 9- whilst you will see the older year levels begin to enter the final phases of this year, you too need to be asking the questions around how you intend on finishing the year off. You are still at the beginning of your HP journeys, but you can achieve so much from now until the end of the year. There are a number of opportunities available for you to utilise, embrace and ‘have a go’ at. Some examples may be through different sporting programs, clubs at lunchtimes, music and performing arts opportunities, the extensive and overall awesome wellbeing programs that are running from now until the end of the year and then some exciting community partnerships that will be advertised in the very near future. We in Hollows house love seeing you all shine and thrive in a number of different areas and recognise those who work hard to give as many of these opportunities a go and to simply get involved. Keep this up!
We wanted to encourage you all to look on Compass at the new Learning Habits Reports (formerly GPA's).
Staff will be assessing you on the following behaviours:
- Pursues excellence
- Uses feedback for learning
- Collaborates for learning
- Behaves for learning
- Organises for learning
In Hollows House we saw outstanding results, with many (nearly 100% of you) gaining improved results which is a credit to yourself and the way you approach your schooling. Below are the top performing students in year 9 and 10, and equally as impressive, the students that have improved the most. Check your Compass so you can talk about the LHR's in Wednesday's Student Led Conferences.
Year 8 Top LHRs | |||
Sereyvathna CHEAP | 8 | 08E | 4.33 |
Nicky CU | 8 | 08F | 4.37 |
Shegofah HUSSAINI | 8 | 08F | 4.23 |
Amy MAC | 8 | 08F | 4.23 |
Sudammi MAHEEPALA MUDALIGE | 8 | 08E | 4.32 |
Vivian NGO | 8 | 08F | 4.3 |
Nguyet PHAM | 8 | 08F | 4.23 |
Muzgan SHAFAEI | 8 | 08F | 4.28 |
Sahib SINGH | 8 | 08E | 4.32 |
Frances VAN DUIN | 8 | 08F | 4.2 |
Akasha VITALE | 8 | 08E | 4.34 |
Dhanushka WEDAGEDARA | 8 | 08E | 4.43 |
Year 9 Top LHRs | Most Improved | |||
CHHOUR | Lucy | GHULAMI | Mumtas | |
FOO SOUYE CHAN | Estelle | SAY | Annleyah | |
ADEN | Arfon | MUHAMMADI | Nazanin | |
SIUPOLU | Annie | CHEHADE | Suzanne-Jo | |
GALBIS | Justin | CHHOUR | Lucy | |
HOARE | Michael | HOARE | Michael | |
IKHLASI | Nafisa | HAMIDY | Ferzana | |
SAY | Annleyah | HEATHER | Ishiteru | |
LOPEZ | Dylan | HEATHER | Tihani |
Year 10 Top LHRs | Most Improved | |||
TRAVICA | Anna | PETI | Harvest | |
NANDA | Jaimeet | GHULAMI | Sharifa | |
LOKENI | Toefiliga | LOKENI | Toefiliga | |
HOARE | Robert | BONDICE | Bea Rose | |
GHULAMI | Sharifa | HOARE | Robert | |
BORNY | Jacob | PUK | Aaron | |
HEMARA-WAHANUI | Samantha | SHERIDAN | Tyler | |
LUALUA MIKHAEL | Nevaeh-Lee | NAJAFIZADEH | Mohammad | |
SARITH | Tiida |
Year 11 Top LHRs | |||
Tamana AHMADI | 11 | 11E | 4.87 |
Zahra AKHLAQEE | 11 | 11E | 4.6 |
Michelle BALOG | 11 | 11E | 4.47 |
Lilly EDWARDS | 11 | 11E | 4.53 |
Isabelle FOO SOUYE CHAN | 11 | 11E | 4.76 |
Victoria KUMARI | 11 | 11E | 4.73 |
Zhela MUHAMMADI | 11 | 11E | 4.68 |
Ashlyn NARAYAN | 11 | 11E | 4.72 |
Aneesah SHAMIM | 11 | 11E | 4.77 |
Braeden SOM | 11 | 11F | 4.47 |
Loren SUMNER | 11 | 11F | 4.48 |
Sachpreet Kaur VIJAN | 11 | 11F | 4.47 |
Andy VO | 11 | 11F | 4.37 |
Thahmina WAFI | 11 | 11F | 4.53 |
Year 12 Top LHRs | |||
Tamana ALIMI | 12 | 12E | 4.55 |
Dean FOO SOUYE CHAN | 12 | 12E | 4.95 |
Vineta KENNACH | 12 | 12E | 4.3 |
Shakila MOHAMMADI | 12 | 12E | 4.55 |
Harshdeep SANHOTRA | 12 | 12E | 4.24 |
Hope UNASA PATA MAUSII | 12 | 12E | 4.36 |
Hannah VARNHAM | 12 | 12E | 4.44 |