Community Resources and Events

'On Track' school holiday music program!
On Track school holiday music program:
- When: Monday September 19 - Thursday September 22, 2022
- Where: St John's Regional College Dandenong
About the program:
- Music industry specialists mentor, train and share tricks of the trade with students; they engage in song writing workshops where students learn to write, rap and perform their own music and more!
- Participants will create, collaborate and celebrate by writing a collaborative track, laying down demos with On Track's 'Studio in a Box', creating their own music videos and performing their tracks on Music Celebration Day
- It is COMPLETELY FREE for students, and PTV Travel Vouchers are provided in advance if needed, lunch and refreshments are provided, and there are prizes up for grabs every day!
If you are interested, please send Miss G a private message on Teams, then register for the program using this link:
Tennis Coaching at Hampton Park Tennis Club!
Dance Factory Auditions:
Casey Basketball Association!
Casey Basketball Association are currently looking for children aged 5-9 to join basketball teams!
Berry Street Foster Care
For more information go to