Upcoming Dates

- Friday 26th August: College Curriculum Day (No Classes)
- Friday 26th August: Practice GAT for all Unit 3 & 4 students and senior VCAL students
- Wednesday 7th September: General Achievement Test (GAT) 2022 (all Unit 3 & 4 VCE and Senior VCAL students)
- Friday 16th September: Final day of Term 3
- Monday 3rd October: First day of Term 4
- Friday 14th October: Final Day of Year 12 Classes
- Monday 17th October: Final Assemblies for Year 12 students
- Tuesday 1st November: Melbourne Cup Public Holiday (No Classes)
- Wednesday 23rd November: Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
- Wednesday 26th October: External VCAA Exams begin (All Unit 3 & 4 students)