Jacinta Eales
Transition Leader/Coordinator
Recently, the “Young Leaders Breakfast” was held at North Geelong Secondary College to welcome the school leaders from Primary Schools in the local areas and beyond. All in all, it was a lovely morning with 12 Primary Schools and their Principals or Senior Teachers attending the event.
The guest speaker, Mark “Squiz” Squirrell, OAM, was truly inspirational to all that attended. Mark has an immense passion for what he has undertaken during his journey - a Commando, Humanitarian Aid Worker and Everest Summiteer, to name just a few of his achievements.
Mark was awarded the coveted “Green Beret” whilst serving as an Officer with the Australian Commandos. His tenure with the military provided him with the skills and courage to succeed amongst adversity and turmoil. It was the perfect grounding for a career as an International Aid Worker.
In addition to this, Mark was inspired by his organisation, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), and the impoverished people that it feeds, to climb to the top of the world to raise awareness of the global hunger crisis. After a gruelling six-week ordeal, “Squiz” raised the WFP flag on the summit of Mount Everest. The inspiring and thrilling recount across glaciers and up exposed cliffs reveals the motivation and resilience that were required on this epic outdoor pursuit.
Mark shared his life story, talked about the importance of finding ways to connect with other people in our communities and inspire creativity in the way we think about creating change. NGSC School Captains and SRC student leaders were also a striving force in the morning, showing their own leadership ideas and activities aspiring to a great wealth of knowledge from the mornings event.
The students walked away from the morning with a knowledge of leadership ideas and messages about following your passion in life to assist others who are not as fortunate, and the power of perseverance to overcome all obstacles that are put in front of you.
Rebecca Durran
Senior Sub School Manager
Be Bold Be Heard Collaboration Day
NGSC hosted the Term 3 BBBH Collaboration Day with Bellarine Secondary College, Geelong High School, Western Heights and Newcomb Secondary Colleges. The students were fortunate enough to have Christine Couzens M.P as their guest speaker and had an opportunity to hear her journey into parliament and the hardship she has faced throughout her life. Students were able to share and celebrate their progress and success of their actions and goals so far and plan for future action this year. NGSC students took on leadership roles and facilitated the discussion between all schools in their allocated groups. The BBBH Collaboration Day gave the students the motivation they needed to continue working on achieving the positive change they are working for and have made clear actions for success to work towards. Our next BBBH Forum will be held in Term 4 to celebrate the success of all schools making positive changes for their young people.
Some reflections from students involved are below:
‘The collaboration between the schools was very supportive and inspirational, we talked about issues that should be solved throughout the schools and we also bonded and created friendships.’ Sunday Kiir 8E
‘At the conference today, I was inspired by Christine’s story and her determination to carry on even though she faced many hardships in her life. It strengthened my mindset and gave the girls and me a bit more confidence to fight for what we believe in and take more opportunities.’ Gloria Baraka 9D
‘Christine’s personal experiences were extremely interesting and her perspective/insights were invaluable. I loved how supportive she was of our cause and how she championed women in her speech.’ Salome Machumbe 10A
BBBH Presentation to NGSC Staff
On 27 July Malenga, Olivia, Nya and Sunday presented at a NGSC staff meeting to update staff on the objective and actions of the group. Students have asked staff at NGSC to inspire confidence and respect even with the smallest of actions to support and shape our youth to be confident people when they grow up, role modelling actions and speaking up even when it's challenging.
Renae Carmichael
Assistant Year 10 Coordinator
Students at North Geelong SC participated in activities to celebrate National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) week. The week is to celebrate all the achievements made by First Nations people. It also celebrates the richness and diversity of First Nations people and communities within Australia. At North Geelong SC we feel privileged to be educating our students on Wadawurrung Country. We understand that sovereignty was never ceded in Australia and want to educate young people on the impact of this for First Nations people.
We celebrated NAIDOC week through activities involving clay making, bracelet making and eating delicious lemon myrtle and native spices damper made by Luke Sharp and Caitin Griffin. We also hand painted a canvas of the Aboriginal flag to be proudly displayed at the school made by our First Nations wellbeing artist, Jessi Muir along with students. Ms Isobel Peter organised First Nations karaoke celebrating all the music achievements of First Nations artists. A big thank you to Year 9 and 10 students who helped set up and pack up and all staff who supported and celebrated this important week.
Katina Astles
VCAL Teacher
Afghani Girls Day
On Monday 25 July 2022, Year 12 Senior VCAL students, Morsel Bahaduri, Sitara Sadaatand Narjis organised a celebration for all of the female and non-binary students in Year 12. We planned this event because we wanted to show how our Afghani culture represents ourselves and our happiness. We made a slideshow of our traditional culture, for example, the things we do for our weddings, parties, events, and celebrations. At the lunch, which was held in the Language Centre, we had a feast of Afghani food. With the help of Ms Kana, Ms Fatemeh, Mr Sharp, Ms Alison, Ms Geraldine, Mr Scoullar and Ms Astles, we planned our menu, we ordered the ingredients, we spent all morning cooking the food before serving it to Year 12 students, teachers and staff. We made chicken kababs, beef kababs, Kabuli Palau (Afghani chutney with coriander, mint, garlic, green chilli and lemon), Afghani Salata, mixed salad, and Afghani-style lemonade. We also taught students how to tie chadors (headscarves), had Afghani music and dancing and also did traditional and modern Henna painting on students and teachers’ hands. We organised this event as part of our VCAL for Personal Development and Work-Related Skills, but also to show our thanks to the NGSC community who have made us so welcome since we came to Australia. You can help make all of our students healthy and ready to learn by donating your time to help in our Breakfast Club or by donating spare change to the collection tin with Ms Anna in the Senior Sub School. We look forward to celebrating more Afghani culture, and all of the other cultures, at the College Multicultural Festival later in the year.