Bennett Thomson
Year 8 Coordinator
How the year has flown as we find ourselves into Term 3 already. The Junior Sub-School has been a vibrant place early this term, which is fantastic. The students in Years 7 and 8 have settled well back into the routines of school and from a student managers and staff members perspective this has been good to see.
Over the coming weeks there are a few things that will be happening across the school that need highlighting. Progress Reports will be released early in week 4 and access to these can be found on Compass. Student Managers and Teachers alike are more than happy to chat about these, so feel free to send an e-mail or contact by phone with any questions and queries you may have. Another way in which you may be able to communicate with staff is by organising a Parent, Student, Teacher Conference. These will run on Tuesday 9 August and will be the same format as usual with staff in rooms throughout the College. You as a parent or carer have access to the times available to book by accessing Compass.
A large part of North Geelong Secondary College’s year is the production. It would be great to see as many parents come to this as possible in week 8 of this term. Keep your eyes peeled on Compass for what promises to be a great production.
Now to move on to looking at what is happening in the Junior Sub-School over the next month or so. There are a few things happening in the Year 8 cohort with Subject Selection’s for Year 9 and Camp on the horizon.
Subject Selections are where students are given the opportunity to select from various subjects going into Year 9 in 2023. Your student has had a careers lesson with a representative from our Careers Team about how this works. There will be more information sent out prior to the subject selection day about this.
The Year 8 Camp is coming up and will be a fantastic experience for our cohort. I very much hope that we can get all Year 8 students on this camp and enjoying the surrounds of Halls Gap.