Principal's Report

Mrs Clare Healy

Dear O’Connor Community,


I am often asked about my expectations and vision for O’Connor Catholic College. When answering this, I am reminded that in sport the focus is on your personal best. For some this may mean a Gold Medal, World Cup, Bledisloe Cup or Australian record. Others may find that being picked for the local team, scoring a goal or just having fun being part of a team is their personal best. One thing is for sure that our expectations allow us to find success.


At O’Connor, having ‘High Expectations’ means we expect the best out of students at all times. This means that as a community of parents, staff and students we are striving to be the ‘best version’ of ourselves. In class, the playground and talking with others it is our expectation that we are all safe, valued, cared for and respected. We are also responsible that our words and actions ensure others in our community feel the same.


As a Catholic Learning Community we are committed to ensuring that we treat others as we would like to be treated. I am reminded that Jesus gave us the commandment ‘Love one another as I have loved you’. There are no conditions put on this commandment. The expectation is that this is the way we are to behave towards each other. In other words, we have ‘High Expectations’.











HSC Trials - Good Luck Year 12


I want to wish our Year 12 students all the best for their HSC Trials next week. They have been working hard with their teachers and as a community we are praying for them.

This year we want to give our Year 12 students the best preparation for the HSC. We realise that last year’s exam preparations were interrupted by Covid lockdowns. This year we have organised for the HSC Presiding Officer and supervisors to run our Trial Exams so that our Year 12 students feel well prepared for the HSC in Term 4.



God Bless,


Clare Healy


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