R.E. & Social Justice News

By Fulvia Gerosolimo

This Week’s Character Virtue: 


Optimism means that you are positive and look on the bright side of any situation - approaching tasks with enthusiasm. It is the opposite of worrying and being negative. It is possible to be optimistic in difficult situations. In the book of Romans, it reads, “We know in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.”

Grandparents/Special Persons  Day

Last Tuesday we celebrated the feast day of  St. Joachim and St. Anne, the parents of the Virgin Mary. Our school was buzzing with so many grandparents and special people. Everyone enjoyed a warm drink provided by the coffee truck and then ventured into classroom spaces and participated in prayer and some fun engaging activities. Afterwards, the students shared a special morning tea together with their grandparent/special person. Lastly, we ventured off to Church to listen to the Word of God. The students all shared a word, phrase or a sentence which sums up their grandparent/special person. This was shared in our reflection at mass.  Please enjoy reading how special you all are in the life of  your precious loved ones.


Eucharist Reflection Day

Last Thursday Liesel, Aria, Lennix, Alexander, Asher, Mia, Sam, & Ndapiwa all gathered in the Church Foyer to further explore what it means to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist. The students learnt what the word Eucharist means. Eucharist comes from the Greek word - eucharistia, which means thanksgiving. They 

learnt what the word AMEN means - ‘so be it’, ‘I believe’ ‘I truly agree.’

The students wrote their own prayers of the faithful which they will  read on their special  day. They also created a beautiful art piece which is on display in the Church for all to admire. 

At night they gathered again with parents and carers to listen to Pia Pagotto, a very knowledgeable guest speaker from CSD Australia, who spoke to the students and their parents about what it means to receive this blessed sacrament. The students 

even got to sample unconsecrated bread which they all said tasted like ‘cardboard.’ 

We look forward to welcoming these students to our Lord’s table and wish them every blessing along their journey.


The Feast of the Assumption of Mary

On Monday the 15th August we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this Feast, Catholics traditionally celebrate Mary going to heaven. Everyone is welcome to join us at mass @9.15a.m. as this is a day of obligation on the official Roman Catholic Church calendar.  

Saturday 13th August @5.30p.m. - Sacrament of First Eucharist for our Year 4, 5 & 6 students receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist this year. ALL WELCOME

Monday 15th August @9.15a.m. - Feast of the Assumption Mass 


Tuesday 30th August @9.15a.m. - Middle Level Mass - ALL WELCOME!

Saturday 10th September @5.30p.m. 

OR Sunday 11th September @10a.m.  

Confirmation Commitment Mass - ALL students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation to attend with one or both parents.

Every blessing, 

Fulvia Gerosolimo