Shadow Judging

This year I participated in a program called Shadow Judging along with ten other students from Years 7 to 10. Throughout this program, we read a series of shortlisted novels, and collectively voted on which book we enjoyed the most. Our winner was Tiger Daughter, a realistic fiction by Rebecca Lim about the daughter of two Chinese immigrants. The compelling novel explores themes of identity, suicide and racial prejudice, all themes that the main character Wen Zhou experiences first-hand. 


The Shadow Judging program allows participants to explore a variety of book genres and delve further into novels that they may not have wanted to try beforehand. A highlight was also the author workshop that gave us a chance to learn more about the writing and creating process from Lili Wilkinson. Shadow Judging will be running next year, and is a great opportunity for literature enthusiasts, or anyone looking to get back into reading. We look forward to the council’s decision!


Kira K 7G2