University High School Breakfast Club!

Dear Parents and Guardians,


We are very pleased to advise that the School Breakfast Clubs Program has arrived at University High School.


Our Breakfast Club will run every Friday morning from 8:15am to 8:40am in the school Quad.


The University High School Breakfast Club aims to ensure students start the day with a healthy meal to improve concentration, to help students make friends and strong social connections.



Special thanks to our Breakfast Club Team of Students running Breakfast Club every Friday:


Antonia Z 7G2

Twinkle R 7G2

Diella F 7G2

Ella D 7G2

Gloria J 7G2

Zaara Z 7G2 

Charvi P 7G2


Thank you,


Melissa Goodger, Caitlin Croucher, Tim Lee, Karina Lee, Alicia Bond, Eaman Mahmoud - Wellbeing Team