Art and Technology News

Technology Captains

The Art & Technology Captains are working on developing their CADCAM (Computer aided design and computer aided manufacture) skills whilst using the laser cutter. They are in the process of designing and making their own captains badges. 

Artist of the month

We would like to congratulate Lauren Evans 10C on her beautiful art piece and for becoming Wantirna College's first artist of the month. You can view Lauren's art piece in the Library.


Watch out for Compass posts to see how you can enter to become the next artist of the month. 

Art & Technology student representatives

The Art & Technology team would like to acknowledge the support and hard work of the student representatives last week. Students volunteered to represent their chosen electives and support students in younger years to make informed decisions about their electives. All students showed true leadership skills by either talking in a Year 8 assembly or running an expo stall in the year 9 exploration day. A big thank you to all of you. 

Textiles workshop

Year 9 Textiles students, ran a successful Tote bag workshop last week for year 8 students. Students learnt how to thread a sewing machine and how to use step by step instructions to create their own Tote bag. The second workshop will be running on Friday. We can't wait to see the end results.