Year 8 and 9

Adviser Reports

Year 8

Two years of high school completed already and Year 8 students have certainly come a long way since the beginning of last year. I am so pleased at how well our cohort has progressed in all aspects of their schooling. These wonderful students are really starting to show their individual strengths and passions and I am very much looking forward to watching this continue in the years to come.


This year has seen Year 8 students be part of many academic, sporting and leadership achievements. A range of students have excelled in different areas and this has led to a very successful year. The most satisfying thing for me as a Year Adviser is to witness the development of strong friendships among the group.


Moving forward, Year 9 gives students their first opportunity to tailor their learning through studying some elective subjects. Students are to be congratulated on the efficiency that they showed through the elective selection process and its nice to see them excited about their future learning.


2020 also brings some additional changes, Jovannah Knight, Head Teacher of Mathematics has been given an opportunity to act in an advisory role for the Department of Education.


This means that I will be relieving in the role of Head Teacher of Mathematics and will be unable to continue as Year Adviser. A replacement Year Adviser will be announced shortly. Although I will no longer officially be the Year Adviser, I hope to still be a source of support and advice for students in this cohort. 


I would like to thank all students and parents of Year 8 for their ongoing support and look forward to seeing the students prosper next year.


I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday break. See you next year!

Mr Matthew Reece

Year 8 Adviser

Year 9

What a wonderful year, Year 9 students have had. I would like to congratulate every single student because they pushed themselves this year and improved their skills. It was a wonderful experience getting to read all of Year 9’s reports. Overall, there is a positive work ethic that is present.

Year 9 Peer Support Leaders are to be congratulated on their amazing work not only with the STAR program, which helps those Year 6 student who need a little extra support with the transition to high school, but also with the Orientation Day. On Orientation Day the Year 9 student were amazing help for all of the staff, I received wonderful compliments about the students’ attitude and commitment and overall helpful nature towards the Year 6 students.

It has been amazing to see Year 9 step up into a number of leadership roles. Throughout the year, Year 9 have been part of the SRC, Interact and Sun Protection Conference, just to name a few. Their commitment to trying to improve other students experience is in and out of the school is amazing.

Within their subjects Year 9 have been challenging themselves. We have seen the first iStem class explore a range of amazing topic from mouse trap cars to water bottle rockets, they have explore and excelled. In commerce they help raise $521 to donate to Drought Angels to help our farmers. In CAPA they have continued to create and explore all from of media and performance, I feel incredibly lucky to have been about to view and watch performances which show such amazing talent Year 9 students have. Students have shown an amazing ability towards sport, both in class and in the numerous amount of sporting teams Year 9 students have been a part of.


I wish all students and their families a safe and relaxing holiday. For the students who are leaving us I wish you all the best, we will miss you! I am looking forward to seeing all students at the beginning of next year ready to start Year 10! 

Miss Cassandra McLennan

Year 9 Adviser