Upper Ferntree Gully Awards

Student of the week

00D   Rory - for always coming to school with a positive attitude and being a caring friend!

1/2 N   

2/3 D  

4/5 D  

5/6 B   Yael - for following instructions and modelling our school values to other students.

Maths Awards


1/2 N  

2/3 D  

4/5 D  

5/6 B  Emily - for her excellent growth in Mathematics when learning about place value.

Writing Awards

00D    Josh - for using a 'Sizzling Start' in his writing and for working very hard on his handwriting!

1/2 N  

2/3 D 

4/5 D   

5/6 B  Alec - for his persistence with writing and commitment to completing his work to a high standard.

Japanese Award

4/5 D -  Ciara - for always putting efforts into every task and being helpful to others. You came a long

               way and I'm really proud of your excellent progress. Very well done!