Principal News

We have had another really great week at despite the very challenging weather conditions of Tuesday afternoon and power outage on Wednesday morning. We have Meet the Teacher meetings happening on Tuesday and Thursday this week for Year 1-6 classes. Thanks to many families who have made the time to attend these and to our staff for their work with families. Forming strong partnerships between home and school allows students to thrive with the team around the learner all on the same page. Please remember that our staff are more than happy to work with families to understand the needs, interests, and aspirations of our students. 


Later in this edition of the newsletter we have introduced our new staff who have joined us most recently. I would like to send out a very warm welcome to all of our new staff and encourage you to make yourself known to them.


I spent some time today in class 6B during their reading lesson. I was able to join in a group with Lachlan and Koby to make predictions for the picture story book that we were reading.  I really enjoy the opportunity to share in the great learning experiences that are happening across our school.