Student Learning

Helen Varthalis - Learning Diversity Leader

A very warm welcome to all our children and families!


Planning and creating a welcoming and positive learning environment for our students is important to set up students for success. The first two weeks of school are allocated to establishing a school culture that enables all staff to mentor and facilitate students to become active, self-starting learners. During that time we aim:

  • To build positive relationships through knowing and valuing each student and their family.
  • To develop classrooms that encourage cooperation, thinking and sharing of ideas, wonderings and success.
  • To provide opportunities for student voice.
  • To enhance the development of a school community where young people feel safe, valued, engaged and purposeful.
  • To encourage a community of learners where students, families, teachers and the wider community work together in collaboration.

Our goals are to:

  1. Establish classroom expectations and behaviours that are democratic, ensure harmony, voice for all, participation and protection for all so that all students are clear about these.
  2. Display a set of actions that are aligned to the school values.
  3. Establish classroom procedures and routines for meditation, prayer and Circle Time.
  4. Establish classroom organisation of resources, room layout and student work spaces together with the students to enable the building of a new learning community that is bright, organised, comfortable and a place where student work is valued and well displayed.
  5. To understand that positive relationships are built on accountability, responsibility and restorative practice.

Learning Diversity


At Trinity Primary School we value the dignity, differences and infinite possibilities in each student and endeavour to provide opportunities for full participation, so that all students can thrive and succeed.


The Learning Support Team is devoted to fostering inclusive practices which respond to learning diversity so that all students are actively engaged in learning, and experience success. The school is very fortunate to have a skilled, committed and caring team that collaborate with the classroom teachers to provide opportunities that cater to the different learning styles of students. Along with Ms Chloe, Ms Georgia, Ms Annalisa, Ms Rachelle, Ms Annalise, Ms Renee and Ms Elorraine, this year we welcome, Mr James, Ms Sally and Ms Julie. We know they will be a great addition to our already dedicated team.

I met with teachers and LSOs this week to plan personalised goals for our exceptional students, to get an immediate start on implementing teaching and strategies to best support their learning. We look forward to sharing this with parents over the coming weeks. I am excited for the year ahead as it is always wonderful to work with our staff, students and parents, and  watch ‘our little people’ relish in the gains they make, both big and small.

Home Learning

Home Reading will commence in Week 2 this term, followed by additional home learning activities in Week 3. Students are encouraged to read at home every day and to complete home learning activities across the week. These activities will be related to the learning that is happening at school. There will be more information about home learning in the coming weeks, but for now here is the link to our Home Learning Policy. 



We also invite families to work with their child/children to create a 'Family Shield'. Students will bring home a template, where pictures, photos and drawings can be added to represent family members, culture, likes etc. When returned to school, they will be displayed to show the diverse and wonderful community that Trinity is. Look out for the templates in your child's school bag.

Parent Chats 

On Thursday 8th of February, we have Parent Chats. This is an opportunity for you to meet your child's class teacher and to share with them any important information that you feel your child's teacher needs to know about your child.  Teachers will hand out information regarding class routines, home learning, important dates and events, and learning at school, as well as discuss how you can support them at school. 

Learning Events/Opportunities in Term 1

Parent Chats (Week 2 - Thursday 8/2)

Home Learning Commences (Week 3 - Monday 12/2)

Parent Helper Workshop (Week 6 - 6/3)

NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5 (Weeks 7 and 8)


If at any time you would like to chat about the learning at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher Mrs Marinelli or myself. 


Mrs Helen Varthalis - Learning Diversity Leader