Student Wellbeing 

Pina Distefano & Lisa Summers


Allergy awarness

Dear Parents, 


St Carlo Borromeo Primary School is concerned about the safety and well-being of all our students. 


Many of you will know someone who is affected by anaphylaxis, a life threatening allergic reaction. Our school does its best to be an allergy aware school. Staff have had training in severe allergy management and we have implemented many strategies to help keep students at risk of anaphylaxis as safe as we can.


We currently have a number of students who live with the risk of anaphylaxis to foods and insect stings. Whilst these children are being taught to care for themselves at an age appropriate level, we ask that you help us educate your child on the importance of not sharing food with others, washing hands after eating and calling out to an adult if they think their friend with allergies is sick. 


Specific classes may receive a letter which outlines ways we can support particular students living with this life threatening anaphylaxis.


Whilst we can never create a completely safe, allergen free environment for students diagnosed with allergies, we thank you for recognising the need for ongoing vigilance to minimise the potential life threatening risk of our students and your cooperation in helping to make our school a safe environment for all students. 


 If you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact your child’s teacher, Pina Distefano or Lisa Summers.