Grade 2

Explore the Learning in Grade 2

Welcome to all of our Grade 2 Families,


We are so excited about the year ahead and are very pleased with the excellent start we have had in all classes. Thankyou to all the families who attended our Starting Right Interviews, it was wonderful to gain a further insight into your children. We are looking forward to a wonderful term and year ahead, and to work together with all of our families to support our amazing Grade 2 students.


Linda, George, Katie & Ruby



Please ensure:

  • Your child brings a hat with their name on it to school everyday in term 
  • Diaries are brought to school daily
  • If your child is away from school, please record this on compass

Term 1 Overview



In Reading this term, students will focus on exploring mentor texts linked to their Inquiry topic about emotions. We will focus on character's emotions and how they change throughout a text based on the events they experience, recognising their use of coping strategies. Students with broaden their vocabulary through explicit instruction of new words and transfer this to their writing.  Students will also be focusing on their fluency with weekly opportunities to read aloud to their peers whilst working on pace, expression, interpreting punctuation, phrasing and accuracy.


In Writing this term, the Grade 2 students will first focus on how to set up, use and generate ideas in their Writer’s Notebook. They will brainstorm ideas that connect with their life experiences and write entries that expand on these ideas. Later in the term, they will extend these ideas even further while learning to plan, draft, edit, revise and publish a personal narrative. This narrative will connect with our Inquiry topic that focusses on recognising and exploring our emotions.


In Spelling and Grammar, the students will build proficiency in a range of key phonics skills, including phoneme recognition and manipulation. They will practice their skills though a range of activities including dictation, word building and sound identification. The grammar component of Writing for the term will be focussed on grammatically accurate sentences that use boundary punctuation and correct structure for purpose.



In Maths, students will learn about a range of mathematical concepts within the strands of Number, Algebra, Measurement and Statistics. Lessons will consist of number talks, warm up games, mini lessons and reflection tools to develop mathematical language and skills. Students will use Essential Assessment to assist in targeting each student’s specific learning needs and set individual goals to develop the students understanding of the concepts covered during lessons. 



Throughout this term students will be exploring the big idea, "How do emotions affect our well-being and choices?" The key questions they will explore are:

What are emotions?

Does everyone experience the same emotions?

How do emotions affect our choices?

How can we control our emotions?

What impact do our emotions have on ourselves and others?