Wellbeing Page


Our year of wellbeing has got off to a great start with students revisiting our PERMA model, the character strengths and other elements of wellbeing science which is so important to us at BHPS. During Starting Right; Emotional Literacy, Mindfulness and the Growth Mindset were re-visited as well as the Zones of Regulation and positive reinforcement. 


As in the past, for each week during 2024 the whole school will have a Character Strength focus and families can be involved by visiting our wellbeing blog: https://wellbeingforprimaryschoolstudents.edublogs.org/


This year we have been given a grant which enables us to use materials provided by The Resilience Project whose approach aligns well with ours. Attached is a flyer with more information. 

As always, please don't hesitate to get in touch with any wellbeing concerns. 
