Grade 5

Literacy Overview  

This term in reading we will be focusing on their fluency with an emphasis on accuracy and decoding strategies through a variety of texts. Students will look deeply into fiction texts and explore the message, moral or theme that the author is trying to convey. We will also be looking at different strategies showing how to summarise a text in more detail. 


In writing this term we will be exploring different ways we can generate ideas for our writing and utilising our writer’s notebook to practice these ideas into a short text. Students will focus on how to develop a character by looking at different elements such as character strengths, emotions and feelings. Students will draft and publish a narrative writing piece with a setting in another country (which connects to our inquiry theme). 


Numeracy Overview  

This term in maths we are focusing on their place value concepts and investigating fractions including comparing and ordering fractions on a number line. Students will be developing a range of strategies to solve operations with whole and decimal numbers. They will also be engaged in problem solving skills which involve estimation. Students will be measuring and recording angles in degrees and connecting their shape knowledge by building objects from nets. Throughout the term students will be revisiting concepts taught during warmups. 


Inquiry Overview  

This term in inquiry our topic is called ‘Going Global’ which explores the interconnections between people and environments and how human action has influenced the environment or characteristics of places. We will explore the characteristics of North American, Europe and Asia and the differences between cultural, economic, demographic and social differences.  


Reminders And Dates For Grade 5 Students  

Grade 5 Camp 

The Grade 5 students will be going to Cave Hill Creek camp from the 13th to the 15th November. (More information on camps will be provided closer to the date). 


Could you please send your child to school with a box of tissues for our classroom? Students will receive dojo points as a reward. Thank you in advance! 

Pencil Cases 

All students will need to bring a pencil case to school to store their stationery. Thank you to those parents who have already done so.  

Important dates for Term 1  

 5B (27) - 10.30am sessions - Thursday 8th, 15th and 22nd Feb   

5C (26) - 11.30am sessions - Thursday 8th, 15th and 22nd Feb  

5A - (28) 12.30am sessions - Friday 9th, 16th and 23rd Feb 

* Naplan- Week 7- Starting on the 13th March. 


How Parents Can Support Their Grade 1 Child At Home  

  • Supporting students to read every night 
  • Practicing weekly spelling words at home with your child 
  • Students may wish to complete Mathletics or Essential Assessment My Numeracy tasks at home throughout the Term.