Learning and Teaching

Dear LPS families,


As you are aware, the Head Start program is Lysterfield Primary School's flagship program for equipping children with the skills and mindset to become successful learners.


In the first three weeks of the program, teachers have worked with students to develop expectations and goals for the year and developed learning skills to assist English and Maths learning. We have started to build a sense of community and teamwork across the cohorts and have gotten to know your children as individual learners. 


Now that we have a better idea of individual strengths, areas of need, and learning patterns, last week our teachers worked together to build a tailored learning program for the remainder of the term. 


I was fortunate to attend components of each sub school’s Design Day and was extremely pleased and proud of what I saw and heard.  LPS’ first guiding principle is that ‘Children are at the centre of everything that we do’.  When sitting with teams during their Design Day, I truly saw our teachers not only being guided by this principle but prioritising it.  Teachers were using students' work and their knowledge of them to determine learning for the rest of the term.  Our teachers were involved in very rigorous and robust discussions to ensure your children are being exposed to excellent learning opportunities that cater to their needs.  Just like Taylor Swift’s knack for personalising her songs to resonate with millions, our teachers are committed to orchestrating an educational experience that strikes a chord with our learners, nurturing their talents and igniting their passion for knowledge. 


Together, let’s continue to shake off challenges and reach for the wildest dreams of our Lysterfield learners! 


For those who were fortunate to get Taylor Swift tickets, enjoy the show! 




Just like our students, staff at LPS are committed to continous learning and growth.  As such, we are excited to announce that we have signed up to participate in a professional learning and research study led by the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) and the Science of Language and Reading (SOLAR) Lab at La Trobe University School of Education.  

Over the next two years our Prep – Year 2 staff will participate in professional learning in the Science of Reading, learning and applying structured literacy approaches to support early learners as they begin their reading and writing journey.  

We are excited about the collaboration and look forward to working with the AERO/SOLAR Lab team. To learn more about the study visit https://www.edresearch.edu.au/research/research-projects/professional-learning-research  


Have a wonderful weekend!


Kristine Roose | Assistant Principal, Learning & Teaching

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