Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

WELCOME BACK TO McAULEY! It has been so lovely catching up with everyone as we begin this new school year.  It is also delightful to see students (and teachers!) catching up with their friends and enjoying being in each other’s company once again.  It's amazing to see how much our beautiful students have all grown over the holidays! On Monday we 

were excited to welcome our new Kinders to the beginning of their educational journey here at McAuley. They are already so settled, happy, and so eager to learn! I am now looking forward to the many occasions throughout the year when our school community will be able to join together in celebration.  Happy 2024!


School Uniform: We are very proud of our school and our students. When students wear our uniform, they are publicly stating they are part of the McAuley family. Therefore, as we settle into Term 1, we are making the students aware of the correct uniform and asking parents to support their children in wearing the correct items. Students are expected to

 be attired in the correct uniform each day of the school year and present themselves in line with the school dress policy. This identifies what is and is not acceptable to wear to school. The Policy will be published in full in the Parent Handbook, but in essence, requires students to wear the identified school uniform items and not more ‘trendy’ versions. 

➢ Socks must be either plain grey for boys or white for girls. 

➢ No brand names are acceptable. 

➢ Hairstyles must be neat and tidy, with no extreme styles such as patterns, colours or shaved hair less than a ‘two’ cut. Hair that is below the shoulders needs to be tied back for both girls and boys so children can see clearly. 

➢ Hair accessories can include hairbands, ‘scrunchies’ or ribbons in blue, pink, maroon or white. 

➢ Please keep nail polish and decorative hair ornaments for weekends. 

➢ Jewelry is also very limited, this is due to safety concerns and the cost if items are lost. Please do not wear bracelets, bangles, necklaces or anklets. A religious chain, one set of sleeper or stud earrings, a watch and/or one small ring may be worn. During the year students also need to wear a school hat while they are in the playground. This is for sun protection and is an important part of the uniform. Without a hat, students have to remain in a shaded area and play is very limited.


Late Arrivals: It is hard to get back into school routine after such a long break, but please remember that it is an expectation at McAuley that students will arrive at school before the first bell at 8.55am. Supervision in the playground commences at 8.35am, with students arriving at school from 8.25am going into Kenna Hall until the Bell goes.   If students arrive after the bell to commence classes, they will need to go to the Office to be signed in and marked present, as all school gates will be locked at 9am each morning. Please be respectful of the limited time we have with your children, and our need to make the most of the time we have with them by making sure they are at school in time for the bell.


Absent Students:  As a school, we are held accountable for the whereabouts of our students during the school terms.  Therefore, if your child is not able to attend school on any particular day, it is vital that you let the school know the reason for their absence.  This can be done by logging onto Compass and putting  in a reason, or by contacting the School Office and letting the Office Ladies know the reason for these absences.  If a student is away for 3 days or more and no record of the reason for their absence has been given, I will need to call parents.  Therefore, could you please attend to this as soon as possible to lessen the burden on all involved.


See you at the Welcome BBQ next Monday!


Robyn Petty

Assistant Principal