P&F Association News

Committee Members
President - Joanne Ward
Vice President - Kylie Wanschers
Secretary - Claire Hammond
Treasurer - Bernadette Garratt
BBQ & Catering - Christine Fittler
Welcome back to 2024, P&F has started already! We supplied a cuppa for kindy mums and dads on Wednesday morning after they dropped their precious kids off for their first day of school. Next week we have our welcome BBQ! Tuesday the 13th of February 5.30 pm. All the family is invited for a free sausage sizzle dinner. Please just fill in the google form sent out on compass on Thursday. I can’t stress how important it is to fill it out. It really helps with catering. On the google form we have asked for how many children in the family as we will be supplying a free Zooper Dooper for every child who comes. BYO drinks (alcohol permitted but please be wise & have plan B), picnic rugs/chairs.
Wednesday the 21 st February is our first meeting for the year at 5.30 pm in the staff room. All mums and dads are invited. Doesn’t matter if your child has just started kindy or Year 6 it’s never too late to get involved. Extra help is always invited. Calling for class parents again this year! Can you help? Class parents help to welcome new families into the school, organise the odd social event for the class. Be the contact for families if they have any questions (more details are available from the front office).
Lastly, our AGM is on March the 20th 5.30pm in the staff room. All positions, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will need to be filled. Can you spare some time to volunteer for our school? Have any questions then please ask one of the executives exactly what is involved. Again descriptions of the roles can all be obtained from the front office.
Have a great weekend. We hope to see lots of you on Tuesday evening, please don’t forget to respond to the google form.