From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Welcome to 2024

Welcome to the 2024 school year! A very special welcome to our Kindergarten families, new families, new staff joining St Mary's, and all of our existing families. I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and summer holiday break and spent some precious time with your families and friends. The beginning of a new school year is always filled with excitement as children reconnect with their friends and classmates and share news of what they did in the holidays. 


Last week Staff had two busy days of professional learning.  We explored our Annual Improvement Plan, Our Vision & Mission, Code of Conduct, Child Safety Standards, Emergency Procedures and set up the school to welcome students back to school.


We have many important events to look forward to this term. One of the very special occasions will be our School Mass on Ash Wednesday 14th February, where our students will receive the Ashes as a symbol for the beginning of Lent and our student leaders will have their badges blessed and presented. Our Swimming Carnival 19th Feb, Welcome BBQ 13th Feb, Dio Swimming, Confirmation Preparation for Year 6,  NAPLAN Year 3 & 5, Dio Sporting Trials, Armidale Show and Easter, to name a few!


The 2024 theme for Armidale Catholic Schools is ‘Pray with Hope’. In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis inaugurated 2024 as The Year of Prayer. This year is dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer in our personal life, in the life of our  Church, and in our world. Our theme resonates with our Vision: A Christ-centred inclusive learning community that supports young people to realise a hope-filled future. 

In embracing this theme, we acknowledge the power of hope as a driving force in shaping our lives, and the lives of those around us, especially our young people.

Our Kindergarten students have arrived!

We warmly welcomed our new Kindergarten students on Wednesday 7th February.  Starting school is such a big milestone and we look forward to supporting our new students and their families as they embark on their learning journey with us.

14th February Ash Wednesday - Mass & Blessing of the 2024 School Leaders & Badges

Important Events

In the coming weeks, I welcome our parents to the following events:

Welcome BBQ

13th February

The school community comes together socially. There will be a free BBQ. These events help to create the wonderful sense of community our school enjoys.

Ash Wednesday School Mass

Start of Lent

14th February

Join with us as we celebrate Mass at 9:15 am in the school grounds. Our 2024 School Leaders will be inducted during Mass.

Swimming Carnival

19th February

Join us at the Town Pool on Monday 19th of February for our annual swimming carnival.


Parent Night

28th February

Enrolment Evening Yr 6 Catholic Students 

6 pm Torreggiani Room

 Parent Teacher Interviews



Kindergarten - Week 8 & 9 Term 1

Year 1- Year 6 - Week 5 & 6 Term 1



Stay informed about the latest happenings at school. It is crucial to stay updated by reading the weekly newsletter. 


It is essential that all families subscribe to the COMPASS portal.  A reminder after downloading the Compass App, please search Armidale, then choose St Mary's School. 

This site regularly provides information to families. Each family is provided with a login. If you have misplaced your login details or are experiencing difficulties logging in, please contact the School Office staff for assistance. 

Family Information in Compass

Parents please go into Compass and check your details - address, phone and email details are correct. If any information is incorrect please email with the correct details.


Address Collection Notice


Centacare Support 2024

We have been fortunate to secure regular support from Centacare. A student counselor will be available fortnightly to see students. For a Student Request form please email or see Mrs Belinda Burton.    (

School Uniform - We wear it with pride!

At St Mary's we have high expectations with wearing our uniform with pride. We therefore seek parent and student support with wearing our uniform correctly each day. 


We understand that at times students may need to wear an alternate piece of attire because of an unforeseen circumstance. If this is the case please notify the school of your child's incorrect uniform. 

Clothing Pool - Term 1

The Clothing Pool will open on the following dates during Term 1 2024. If you require items, please contact the School Office on 67724441 or via email to book your time to attend.  Please note that it will open Friday one week and Tuesday the next (9.30am to 10.30am):

Friday 16/2/2024         Tuesday 20/2/2024

Friday 1/3/2024            Tuesday 5/3/2024

Friday 15/3/2024          Tuesday 19/3/2024

Friday 29/3/2024          Tuesday 2/4/2024



I would like to THANK  Jessica Molkentin for her dedication in organising & running the Uniform Pool.  We are now looking for somebody to assist in the display of the uniforms.  If you or someone you know is free on a fortnightly basis and able to help out, please contact our Office on 67724441.


Please consider joining the School Advisory Council (SAC) in 2024 

Function of the SAC the Catholic School Advisory Council provides the opportunity for members of the school and parish community to support the mission of Catholic education in the school.  Working with the Principal and the Parish Priest, the members of the Council provide guidance and support to the school community.  The Council operates within the policies and procedures determined by the Catholic Schools Office.  The Principal has responsibility for the day to day leadership and management of the school.  The members of the School Advisory Council are comprised of the Parish Priest, Principal, staff, parent members, co-opted members. The meetings are only attended by members of the Council and are held once a term.  The AGM is normally held in November each year. 


The School Advisory Council has responsibility to advise in the following areas.

  • The development of the Catholic identity, ethos and mission of the school.
  • The pastoral care strategies in the school community.
  • Promotion of the school.
  • Monitoring of the annual budget.
  • Ensuring compliance with regulations by school associations and committees such as the P&F.
  • Development of local strategic plans (finance, buildings, resources) and contributing to diocesan educational strategic planning.
  • Facilitation of school community responses in conjunction with Catholic system,  engaging with governments on school funding and other relevant issues..
  • Other matters as requested by the Principal or Parish Priest.