Pastoral Care News from Denys

Introducing Denys Chew Marion Primary Schools Pastoral Care Worker

As your Pastoral Care Worker, she will provide practical support to:

· STUDENTS by listening, taking an interest in them, being involved with their daily lives, facilitating activities and seminars and being a positive role model.

· STAFF by being a supporting resource, providing a listening ear, encouragement, friendship and supporting their personal wellbeing.

· FAMILIES by being a person of contact, listening, caring, providing support in times of crisis as well as being a referral to support services

· COMMUNITY by being a link between churches, organisations, the wider community and the school community.



· Provide pastoral care in a ‘first response’ capacity to critical incidents, refer to specialist support and to provide ongoing presence and follow-up.

· Work closely and in partnership with leadership and other wellbeing staff in schools to provide pastoral care and support to students, families and staff as requested.

· Are well positioned to work across the whole school to ‘build a sense of’ community, harmony and cohesion.

· Are trained and equipped to provide their school with a unique dimension of social, emotional and spiritual support in line with the DfE wellbeing framework.

· Employed through SMG, who works closely with the SA Department for Education as a Service Provider for the National Student Wellbeing Program.


Denys's Regular days at school are:

Monday and Tuesday 



Denys Chew

Pastoral Care Worker