Annual General Meeting 2024 News

Update of AGM

On Tuesday 13th February, 2024, the School Annual General Meeting was held in the  Library from 6-6:45 pm. Pleasingly, we had a strong representation of parents, with 26 able to make it along in attendance. 


If you were unfortunately unable to attend on the night, below are attached copies of the AGM Booklet and the Annual School Report that were shared and spoken to on the night. 

We hope to have many more in attendance next year! 

Elected Governing Councillors for 2024

We also had three vacancies on Governing Council that we were accepting nominations and filling for this year. We received three nominations for these positions and thus a ballot was not required.

I would like to take this opportunity to announce the following returning / new members to Governing Council.

  • Mel Neuling - returning member
  • Larissa Genat - returning member
  • Ross Vivian - new member

The full Governing Council comprises of:

  • Trent McNamara
  • Jess Coles
  • Mel Neuling 
  • Larissa Genat 
  • Ross Vivian 
  • Guy Walmsley (Principal)
  • Georgina Sprigg (Staff Representative)

New Governing Council Office Bearers for 2024

Following the AGM, the new Governing Council composition met briefly to confirm meeting dates and elect Office Bearers and subcommittee delegates for 2024.


Office Bearers:

  • Chairperson - Trent McNamara
  • Secretary - Jess Coles
  • Treasurer - Ross Vivian

Subcommittee delegates:

  • Grounds - Trent McNamara
  • Finance - Ross Vivian
  • Fundraising - Larissa Genat 
  • Sports - Mel Neuling
  • OSHC - Ross Vivian

Congratulations to our new Governing Council for 2024. I look forward to working with you all throughout the year and thank you all for your contributions and time given to the school.


If you wish to join one of our subcommittees, it isn't too late and any parents can be a part of these without being on the Governing Council. If you wish to become involved, please contact the Front Office.


Guy Walmsley

Principal - on behalf of the Governing Council.