School News

Year 9 City Experience
Last week we held our annual Performing arts showcase - Wow, what an unforgettable evening, overflowing with talent throughout.
We had a big turnout with a very loud and supportive audience with many proud teary-eyed parents, watching their child shine up on the stage!
Some Highlights from the bands-
- Allie Whittaker's rendition of 'Careless Whisper' on saxophone. The audience were truly captivated by her playing -Its hard to believe she began in March this year!
- Dakotas high note in 'Flowers' gaining a huge applause and even more confidence up on the stage!
- Chrysana's rap and iconic dancing.
- JJ's beautiful rendition of 'Can't help falling in love with you' where the audience were singing along, holding up torches and enjoying her incredible voice.
- Adam Sedovs performing in 4 bands throughout the night, playing like a true professional and nailing all his Bass riffs.
Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre
On December 8th - 20 of our instrumental music students performed for our local community at the shopping centre, performing a variety of pop and Christmas music, it was enjoyed by many and a fantastic way to finish a fabulous year in Music at Lyndhurst SC.
Music Year in Review
This year in Instrumental Music we successfully performed over 41 times and went on over 10 excursions within music which is an incredible achievement from a program that was non-existent 12 months ago.
If you are interested in signing up for Instrumental Music, Please get in contact with Ms Yeoman or come and visit the Music room in 2024 to grab an instrumental music form, follow us @Lyndhurst_Music for more music content.
Year 11 Celebrations
Worlds Greatest Shave
We welcomed over 130 Grade 6 (soon to be Year 7) students for a day of engaging activities, lunch together and finishing up with some sport on our Transition day 1 this week!
All incoming Year 7s completed their PAT assessments on day 2 so we can learn about their literacy and numeracy needs and strengths to ensure we start the year strong in 2024!
Term 4 Highlights