Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
I want to start by acknowledging what a fantastic year it has been this year. Over the past few weeks, we have been able to celebrate many milestones, from farewelling our Class of 2023 at their valedictory dinner, celebrating achievements across the college at our annual Awards Night, acknowledging the amazing achievements of our Class of 2023 in achieving some fantastic VCE results and welcoming our newest members of the LSC community, our 2024 Year 7 cohort.
For 2023, I congratulate our Year 7 to 12 Dux recipients for what has been a phenomenal year of achievement:
- Year 7 Dux: Kathlyn Cardoza
- Year 8 Dux: Martin Duiker
- Year 9 Dux: Zeba Zeba
- Year 10 Dux: Olivia Argaet
- Year 11 VCE VM Dux: Tamai Tararo
- Year 11 VCE Dux: Theo Rossetto
- Year 12 VCE VM Dux: Rylee Wright
- Year 12 VCE Dux: Azada Qasimi who achieved an incredible ATAR of 97.60
As the 2023 school year ends, I wanted to share some key messages that I delivered as part of my speech at our recent Awards Night where we celebrated the success of so many of our students this year.
This year has been one that makes me incredibly proud to be Principal of this college. This year, we saw students excel in so many fields, including sports, the arts, literacy and numeracy. We saw students being active, involved and positive citizens in both our school, local and wider communities. We also saw students being recognised in numerous ways for their achievements within and even beyond school.
I want to thank all of our students for their dedication to their learning and the ways in which they have directly helped to see our college grow and improve in 2023.
This includes students who have stepped into leadership roles, students that have contributed to helping raise expectations by setting positive examples in the classroom, students who have helped improve our physical environments around the college and students who have demonstrated our college values in every lesson, every classroom every day.
There is a common saying that “it takes a village to raise a child” and this is very true for our young people. I wish to acknowledge and thank all of our staff for their hard work, dedication, support and feedback for improvement they give our students. This includes not only our teachers, but also a team of dedicated Education Support staff who assist our students in and out of the classroom and keep our school running smoothly.
To the parents, carers, significant adults and families of our young people, I also say thank you. It is well known that you play a critical role in the success of a child in their education, whether it be your active support for students to get involved in activities, through to attending information evenings and learning conferences to support your child. It is about the fact you make sure they have the textbooks, English novels, stationery and uniform to be ready for learning. It is about the ways in which you support the college to implement our policies and processes to ensure all students are able to learn in an environment that is safe, as well as challenging for all students in their learning.
It may even be for a few people in the room acting as daily personal alarm clocks to get your young people up out of bed, fuelled up with breakfast and driven to school to get there each and every day.
To all members of our LSC community, have a safe and restful holidays and we are so excited to see you back in January for a great 2024!
Ms Eloise Haynes