Again, welcome to our new families and returning families to the 2024 school year.
We were very excited to welcome our prep students yesterday and we very impressed with how settled they were in such a short time frame.
This Friday with have the Bush Dance from 3:45pm until 4:45pm. Children will be rehearsing a dance throughout the day, and we hope you can join us in the afternoon to have a bit of fun with the ‘Billy Tea Bush Band’, dancing up a storm.
Next Wednesday we have our ‘Meet and Greets’ whereby parents will have the opportunity to meet with classroom teachers and discuss particular information that they feel pertinent to the year ahead. If parents have met with teachers at the end of last year in SSG meetings, or have had the teacher previously, there is no need to make a time on this occasion. Appointments will commence from 2:10pm for all grade 1 through 6 classes and 3:40pm for preps, with the final appointment at 6:30pm. You will receive this information through Compass whereby you can make these appointments online.
It has been fabulous seeing students in new uniform items this past week. Can we please remind all families once again that black is not part of the uniform and students are to wear white or navy socks. In addition to this, can we please request that students with hair that hits the shoulder, that this is tied up. This is to avoid where possible the spread of head lice amongst students. We appreciate your support with this.
Have a great week.
Kind regards,