Home Learning
Home Learning
Will begin in Week 4. Your child's classroom teacher will be in touch regarding information that is specific to their class.
Take- home readers will start this term and are swapped twice a week. Students will also have the opportunity to bring home a library book each week as well. The aim of having a reader for more than one night is to read it a few times. This helps to develop student's fluency. These books might be slightly easier than what you think your child is capable of, this is because we are trying to improve their fluency and confidence reading outside of a school setting.
Tricky word Spelling will also also start this term. Your child will be sent home with a highlighted list of words for the term. These are words they spelt incorrectly in out Tricky Word test at the start of term. We would love to see all students in Level 1/ 2 select 5 tricky words each week and practise at least one night each week, as it really does make a big difference. Students will be tested again at the end of term to check and celebrate their progress!