Principal's Report

Joshua Sheffield                                                                                                                                                                     Image: Chinese New Year celebration at assembly

Upon reflecting on the various pieces in this edition, there is a throughline of parent engagement. Whether it be in formal committees such as School Council, the Parents’ Association or participating in parent information sessions or the Dad’s Cricket match or Man Cave event, we strongly value and encourage all parents to be engaged in your child’s education. Meta-analyses demonstrate a positive correlation in your child’s learning outcomes and anecdotally and personally, I can attest to the benefits it presents to the dinner table conversation, the creation of great memories and positive emotions it boosts. Our school is enriched by your engagement, and it is highly valued and appreciated, constituting one of our three pillars (the other two being Positive Wellbeing and Excellence in Teaching and Learning.). 

I encourage you to think about how you can be involved either now or throughout the year and am confident that we’ll all be enriched by it.

Visible Wellbeing

Our newly established and long-term partnership with Visible Wellbeing is a result of strong alignment to our school priorities, a strong evidence base, and is focused on building capacity of teachers to respond to students’ needs as opposed to teaching scripted lessons in isolation. This sees us ceasing partnership with both the Cyber Safety Project and the Resilience Project, both programs we have benefited from and will carry learnings through to our new, more integrated and holistic approach.

Your partnership in your child’s wellbeing journey is fundamental to their growth. Below are two ways that you can deepen your understanding of wellbeing and add tools to your parenting toolkit, if like me, you still haven’t received a ‘Parenting Manual’! 



I have read this book with my ‘parenting hat’ on and found it incredibly helpful in understanding my own children’s strengths and having more strategies on hand to support them when things are going well, and when they’re not. It is highly practical, easy to read (or listen to on Audible) and entertaining in parts. As always, there were chapters I found less helpful than others, but found it overall very much worth the time investment and feel after reading it, I’m better equipped to deal with the myriad of trials and tribulations. 



Join Prof. Lea Waters AM, PhD as she showcases the Visible Wellbeing that we are implementing at HPS. It focuses on the six pathways that can build mental health in your children and simple techniques you can use at home. These six pathways are:

  • Strengths
  • Emotional Management
  • Attention and Awareness
  • Relationships
  • Coping
  • Habits and Goals

The session is online, 29th February at 6:30pm. please register using this link

School Council Elections

School Council provides another avenue by which to engage in the workings of our school, in a governance and more formal capacity. This year, council’s priorities will include continuing to be across the $9.8M capital works grant, monitoring Annual Implementation Priority outcomes and general governance. A skill set in major projects, architecture and/or education would be greatly valued with these priorities. There is a formalised process that we are required to follow with respect to members joining School Council which is outlined below.



Our Council has the responsibility of governing our school. All government schools in Victoria have a School Council. They are legally constituted bodies that are given powers to set the key directions of a school within state-wide guidelines. In doing this, a School Council can directly influence the quality of education that our school provides for your children. Membership on Council requires formal nomination (and a ballot if enough candidates nominate) and members must meet certain prerequisites. The nomination for candidates is now open and will close Wednesday 28th February at 4:00pm. 



School Council Elections provide the opportunity for parents within our community to nominate to become a part of our School Council. Self and Peer Nomination forms are available at the office for all interested parents, and a copy of the Notice of Election is displayed at the front office. All nominations must be submitted by the above due date. Should there be a need for an election (more nominations than vacancies), this will take place immediately after nominations close.

Should you have any questions regarding this role or nominations in general, please contact the office or me directly.

Join the Parents’ Association!

As per yesterday’s Compass post, Our Parents' Association is seeking new members to either lead or join the PA this year. It’s important to note that no minimum commitment is required to be a member, nor are there any specific skill sets necessary. We simply seek passionate and motivated parents who want to make a positive difference through fun-raising or fundraising, or both!

Please complete this short form if you want to join the team and if you have any questions, please reach out to the office

New & Important Dates

  • School Photos: 26th & 27th February. 
  • Visible Wellbeing for Parents: 29th February @6:30pm
  • Man Cave Dad’s Club Event: 22nd March
  • NAPLAN Testing Window: 13th – 22nd March
  • End of Term: Thursday 28th March
  • Curriculum Day: Monday 15th April
  • Start of Term 2: Tuesday 16th April

To stay up to date with all events and key dates, see the Compass Calendar.