Learning Focus

Late last year, after coming to terms with not having my own class for the first time, I felt a sudden pinch of envy. I was in planning with the Year 5/6 team as they were discussing which book they would be studying with the students in Term 1 of this year. It was decided that they would read Wonder by R.J Palacio - that’s when that pinch came. I felt a little sad that I wouldn’t be able to help students make connections and engage in the thoughtful conversations that occur when studying good literature in my new role. That’s not to say I’m not excited about my new role (just a little sad to be missing all of the good bits of being in the classroom)! 


When I walked into the, as Carly put it earlier, old and tired single story portable located closest to the gym to move some furniture, I found, hidden on an old blackboard, a quote.


Choices… Who you are today and who you will become tomorrow, is a result of the choices you make. 

It made me think of Mr Browne in Wonder, the book the year 5/6 students will soon become so familiar with, and his use of precepts to help his fictional students make sense of the world. And this quote, written in chalk on a blackboard from who knows how many years ago, struck a chord and resonated with something Carly said to the students at our first assembly yesterday. Something of her own precept.


There is always a choice about the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itself.


Yes, the students need to be here at school, there is no choice for them in that regard. But if they make positive choices about their attitude and mindset, it will not only make things easier, but also a lot more enjoyable too. We all have things that we don’t enjoy, maybe washing the dishes, or making your bed, (or writing pieces for the school newsletter) but if we choose our attitude - sunny, playful, cheerful - then we can bring joy to even the most boring of things. Think about the impact this will then have on the people around us! 


So, as we begin a new year let’s not wait to be happy, we can decide to be happy now. Let’s not wait for the situation to be right, because we might be waiting a while. Let’s choose to make the most of each day.


Mat Williamson

Acting Assistant Principal