From The Principal's Desk

Term 1 Week 1 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 


Welcome back to the school year and a big welcome to our new staff, students and families. The school year is off and running. It was a great start to the year with our Grade 1-6 students commencing their school term yesterday on Wednesday 31st January. Our Prep students commence their first day on Monday 5th Feb and we look forward to our 90 Preps starting their educational journey with us.


We also welcome a number of new families and students into the school with the current enrolment of the school at 564 students in 27 classrooms. Our classes have settled in really smoothly and are enjoying being back into a routine and catching up with friends.  


Staffing welcomes and farewells 


New staff – warm welcome to:


Ms Jessika Sellick – Grade Prep C

Ms Hannah Smyth – Grade Prep B 

Mrs Caitlin Story  – Grade 1B

Mrs Jessica Schwedes - Grade 1C

Mrs Kellie Farquarhson - Grade 2C 

Mr David Collins - Grade 3A 

Mrs Karla Bower-Hegert - Grade 3D 

Ms Brooke Jorgensen - Grade 5D

Mr Daniel Welch - Grade 6A 

Mrs Olivia Jones - Grade 6C 

Mrs Maria Hodder - First Aid officer

Ms Holly McSparron - Educational support 


We also welcome back Mrs Kate Peldys to the Art room 2 days a week.  


We are fortunate to have recruited some talented and eager staff to build into what is already a fantastic school staff and we have some extra spaces in which to do some wonderful and creative programs. One of those spaces being our new Chinese and Music space.  We are just finalising the extra touches on the space but we are pleased to have this extra space in the school. Last year the School Council agreed to use our self raised funds on this space in an effort to keep our class sizes down and maintain a quality specialist program.




Departing staff – a fond farewell to:

Mrs Danielle Jones – Educational support has moved across to Woady Yaloak PS 

We wish Ms Jones all the best and thank her for her contribution to our school.


Mrs Rebekah Dawson took family leave as of Monday 29th January, which was perfect timing as she had her baby girl the next  night.   They welcome Annie Jane Dawson into the world.


Mrs Austin and her family welcomed Lenny.  Lenny has two doting big brothers who were very excited. 


Mrs Pitts had Imogen Jayne Pitts on the 4th January and all is well at home.


Congratulations to all of our staff members who are all very proud mothers.


School Update :  


During the holidays we had a number of other upgrades that occurred in the school.


  1. Addition of sun shade shelter in the P-2 area.


  1. Another shade sail was added to our Vegetable garden area to soften the heat at the end of the day.
  2. Our school carpeted 4 new classrooms and a corridor space after our flooding in November last year.



School Update : Open House in classrooms  - Monday 19th February 

On Monday 19th February we will be holding our Open House which is an opportunity for you and your child to visit the classroom, visit the specialist areas and see the teacher and physical spaces.  


This approach is less formal and flexible and an opportunity for you to come at anytime between 4.00pm and 5.30pm to visit the classrooms.  If there is specific information regarding your child that you feel the teacher may need to know, another meeting time might be best.  



We pride ourselves on our high level of attendance at school.  Remember “it’s not okay to be away”, every minute of learning counts and if your child misses school for no reason they are at risk of missing valuable learning.   If your child is sick and is absent from school please send a note to the class teacher explaining the absence or ring the office.


School Assembly 

Our first school assembly will occur next Wednesday 19th February at 2.30pm in the stadium.  


Grade 4  School swimming 

Our swimming sessions for Grade 4  commence on Monday 12th February and will provide 5 sessions for the week.  Notes will be given out to the students regarding more specific information.

Grade 2  School swimming 

Our swimming sessions for Grade 2  commence on Monday 4th March and will provide 5 sessions for the week.  Notes will be given out to the students regarding more specific information.


Grade 6 Camp

Our Grade 6 Camp will begin on the 26th Feb for two nights and three days.  It is always a busy three days for our students and teachers but a great way to make new friends and learn about the significant sights of Melbourne.


Grade 5 & 6 School swimming 

Our swimming sessions commence on Tuesday 12th March (Grade 5)and Thursday 14th March (Grade 6)and will provide 2 sessions in each grade level.   Notes will be given out to the students regarding more specific information.


House  Athletic Sports: 

Thursday 7th March is our House Athletic Sports Day for students in Grade 3-6.  This will occur on the school oval and is a fun day for students.  Parents are welcome and a schedule will be sent out in coming weeks. 


Smile Patrol

Don’t forget to sign up for Smile Patrol, the visiting dental service that will be here at the end of term. More details were sent out on Compass.


Other important dates :

Breakfast club starts next week and is on Wednesday to Friday commencing at 8.10am.



Have a great week – Scott, Marnie, Stephanie and Michael