Religious Education News

Mrs Cindy Ronzini (REC)

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the first day of the season of Lent. Gone are all the green banners and flowers of ordinary time and now we see the Lenten colour purple. 


Lent is a very special time in our lives when we are encouraged to pray, give up things we enjoy and make a difference in the lives of others by doing kind things for others as we prepare to celebrate Easter. Over the next forty days of Lent we are asked to follow Jesus on his final journey to Calvary where he died on the cross for us all. 

Ashes were placed on everyone's foreheads yesterday as a reminder to us all of the Lenten promises we will make in our lives and encourage us to give of ourselves to others their needs over the next few weeks. 

During Lent, let’s make an effort to pray more and think of others. Project Compassion reminds us of those who don’t have access to basic needs such as water, shelter, food and medicine - things that we take for granted. 


Project Compassion boxes were handed out yesterday to all families. Caritas Australia is an organisation that funds projects all over the world, including Australia. The theme for this year is ‘For All Future Generations’. It is about hope and reminds us that the good we do today impacts the lives of people tomorrow.