Student Absences - New Procedures

New procedures when students are absent or late to school
If students are going to be absent or late to school (after 8.40 am) parents/guardians need to log this on the Simon Everywhere App (you do not need to login to PAM to do this, it is simply done from the 'Absences' button in the home area of Simon Everywhere). Currently, this is available to log until 12.00 pm.
After 12.00 pm please SMS 0417 187 789 or call the College, choosing Option 1. This needs to be in the system before arriving at school so students can be issued a late pass at Student Services. Parents can also send an SMS to 0417 187 789 at any time.
If students do not have a late pass they will be issued with a Community Service. Please note that the staff at Student Services and Reception will no longer log absences or late arrivals from direct phone calls. This function must be logged on the App, PAM or by SMS.