2F Newsletter 


This term we have worked hard to use punctuation in our writing. We also focused on varying our sentences by using both simple and complex sentences. We practiced adding describing words to make our writing more interesting. This week we created our own monsters! We wrote a Character Profile to describe our monster and then did some imaginative writing about our monster. Here are some of the monsters we created for our stories. 




Each day at the start of our Math lesson, we begin with our daily review. This is a quick ten-minute revision of topics we have already learned in class. Going over these topics often helps us remember them for a longer time! Here is a photo of us working on our daily review.



This week is a big week in the Catholic Church and in our school. In class we learned about Lent. Every morning we included a special prayer about Lent. We also looked at ways we could be closer to God during this sacred time. We each came up with a Lent promise. Here are some of them: 

“I will pray more so I can spend more time talking to God.”

“I will spend more time with my sister.”

“I will give up some of my TV time.”

“I will pray for my nana every night.”

“I will help unload the dishwasher at home.”



In class, we read How Full is Your Bucket by Mary Reckmeyer and Tom Rath. This story teaches us that we should be kind to everyone. When we show kindness to others, we also feel happier ourselves. Here are some of the ways we decided we could show kindness.