Principal's Report


This week, we begin the season of Lent, an important time in our liturgical calendar. Starting with Ash Wednesday, Lent spans the 40 days leading up to Easter, a period dedicated to reflection, repentance, prayer, and fasting. It commemorates Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the wilderness.


In the past, we may have encouraged children to give up something for Lent, such as chocolates or lollies.  These days our message is a little different. We invite the children to focus on being the best versions of themselves. During Mass on Wednesday, Fr. Stephen challenged the children in his homily to follow their parents’ instructions the first time they are asked, throughout Lent. Let’s see how we do with this challenge.


As adults, we can also use the Lenten season to focus on spiritual growth through prayer, charity, and self-discipline in preparation for Easter, the celebration of Jesus' resurrection.

Staff Conference

Last week, our staff gathered in Torquay for our annual staff conference, always an enriching experience. On Thursday, we had the privilege of working with Glenn Pearsall, a highly experienced educator and consultant. Glenn focused on practical strategies that teachers can use in the classroom to check for understanding—how can we ensure that students have truly grasped their learning? His insights provided us with effective tools to enhance our classroom practice.


Friday was a time for reflection on our faith. As a staff, we explored three versions of the Creed, deepening our understanding of our beliefs as a Catholic community. We also discussed the significance of sacred spaces in our classrooms and how to use them meaningfully with our students.


Of course, the conference wasn’t all work—we also enjoyed moments of fun and connection, strengthening our bonds as colleagues beyond the busy-ness of school life.


School Photos 

On Monday your child should have brought home a school photos information sheet. This is personalised for each child, and you will need to use the personalised QR Code to order your photos.  Just a reminder that our photo days is Monday 24th March.


Year 6/Staff Afternoon Tea

Today, the Year 6 students and staff enjoyed a special afternoon tea together. Each Year 6 student is paired with one or two staff members who serve as mentors or buddies throughout the year. These gatherings provide a wonderful opportunity to connect, share conversations and get to know the students better as they embark on their final year of primary school.


Parents & Friends

The P&F’s major fundraiser this year will have a country and western theme and will take place on March 29. These events are always a fantastic opportunity to come together as a community, so we encourage everyone to join in the fun! Tickets are now on sale. 





Courtesy to Neighbours

Unfortunately, in the past two weeks, two of our Wallen St. neighbors have approached me with concerns. One resident was aggressively beeped at while trying to enter her own driveway, while another has repeatedly had their driveway blocked by St. Finbar’s parents at pick-up time. Please remember that it is never acceptable to block someone’s driveway, and we ask everyone to be mindful and respectful of our neighbors.

Year Books

Our 2024 Year Books have arrived and they look fantastic. All pre-ordered copies have now been delivered, but we still have copies available for purchase at the office. 



Sibling Enrolments

We already have enrolment forms for 19 siblings for Prep 2026. If you have a child due to start school in 2026, and haven't submitted their enrolment forms yet, we ask that you do so soon please using the following link following link:   St Finbar's Enrolment Information 


Sibling enrolment interviews will happen this term via appointment.

Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund

Any parents who hold a concession card are encouraged to complete the attached form. You may be eligible for a grant which goes towards Camps and Excursions for the children and comes off your school fees.


Team Kids

As the holidays are fast approaching, it will soon be time to book in for our holiday program. Even if you are not a regular user of Team Kids in the mornings or afternoons, you may want to take advantage of their holiday program.  We suggest that you register for Team Kids, and then you will begin to receive the emails letting you know when holiday bookings are opening.


Story Dogs - can you help?

Story Dogs has been running at St Finbar's for two years now. We're currently on the lookout for a couple of new canine volunteers...and their owners. 








Have a great week,

Michelle Hill