
Music News
Senior Band Social Night
Senior Band students are performing a Tribute to the Blues Brothers and decided to have a social event to watch the movie next Tuesday 11th March. Please bring food to share (no nuts or cream).
This event will finish at 5.15pm. Please make sure you have consented to the event on Compass.
Belmont’s Brass Ensemble, and ‘Chopped’, Belmont’s exciting new Lucky Chops tribute Band, are performing at Portarlingon’s Band Rotunda Brass series on Sunday 16th March.
Come along and support our fabulous students at this event. There are two shows, commencing at 11am, and again at 1pm.
TopClass Excursion
VCE Music Performance and VCE VET students are attending the 2025 TopClass Concert on 20th March at the Melbourne Recital Centre. This is a concert showcasing the top scoring Music performance students of the 2024 cohort and is always an inspiring experience for our music students. Thanks to Amanda Linton for making this experience possible for our VCE music cohort.
Chilwell Fair
Third Drawer Down, one of our 2nd year VET Music groups, Jazz Syndicate, and Grace Britnell are performing at Chilwell’s Fair on Friday March 21st, from 4 – 5pm on the mainstage.
Come along and support our amazing students as they entertain the crowds at this fun event!
4.00 – 4.20pm Jazz Syndicate
4.20 – 4.40pm Grace
4.40 – 5.00pm Third Drawer Down
GEMFest is fast approaching, with 63 students from Beginning Band, Intermediate Jazz, Junior Rock Band, Chopped Band, Brass Ensemble and Woodwind Ensemble, and various Singing Groups all preparing to perform at this event.
Our BHS Music Support will be running a cake stall at the event. Any students or families who are able to donate baked goods for this event can leave donations (no cream or nuts ) on the day of the event with Rose Humphrey/Emma Moffatt in the band room. Please include a full list of ingredients with all goods, and if in returnable container, please name this to allow for easy return!
Beginning Band Concert
This is our first performance on BHS grounds for our Beginning students and is a great opportunity for new music families to meet each other, and for students to share the amazing progress they have made in such a short time. Family and friends are all welcome at this free event.
Wednesday April 2nd
Concert 5.30pm
Concert BBQ kindly provided by our wonderful Music Support group. Any families who may be able to assist with BBQ cooking/serving, please contact Joel Gladman via email:
Our stellar Band Captains, Lee, Liam, Declan and Jacinta will be running activities after school, and mentoring students throughout the performance.
These students are here for all our Ensemble program students, assisting with junior rehearsals, running warmups in Ensembles, and initiating student ideas for social events and performances.
Our performing Arts Captains, Ella and Frank, are ready to promote all your ideas about Performing Arts initiative and opportunities, so please come and find them if you have a great idea for dance, drama or music activities.
There are two places still available in our no-cost Year 7 French Horn option– this is a fabulous way to access the program, so please see Ms Humphrey if you are interested in taking up one of these spots. Places remain open until the end of term 1.
A reminder that fees for the program are paid through Compass, and this year you have the option to pay in instalments through Compass.
Music Support Group
Music Support is a wonderful group of parents who support the music program as volunteers at our music events, running our fabulous Winter and Spring Concerts, and raising funds so that we can provide music experiences to music students at BHS.
You are able to join Music Support even if you can’t attend meetings, as we are always looking for new ideas, and pairs of hands to help out at events! Please make contact with our Music Support Group: