VCE News and Key Dates

VCE Skills Sessions

The school will be facilitating skill sessions from “Elevate Education” in Term 1 for VCE students. These sessions will be offered to nominated students from Years 11 & 12 (VM where appropriate & VCE).

Teachers will nominate students for different sessions where they see a need, but I have also given students the opportunity to self-nominate. Students will then be chosen, contacted via email and the event placed on their Compass for an approved absence from regular class.

If you think your child would benefit from any of the below, please encourage them to sign up this weekend!


Friday March 14: Student Elevation (Period 5)

o  The psychology of belief and its impact on performance 

o  The 4-step goal setting process 

o  Short term planning process 


Monday March 17: Time Management (Period 5)

o  How to develop a study routine 

o  How to identify the type of work that gets students the most marks 

o  How to leverage your time by using study groups 

o  Reasons for, and how to address procrastination 


Thursday March 27: Memory Mnemonics (Period 5)

o  How to harness specific techniques to memorize key content 


Monday March 31: Ace Your Assessments (Period 3) Effective work in preparing for assessments 

o  Identifying and fixing mistakes 

o  Allocation of time in assessment preparation 

o  Exam room techniques