Safety Reminder

"Safety Reminder: Students must have padlocks on lockers".



As our students continue their academic journey at Belmont High School, it's essential to prioritize safety in our school. One simple measure is that all students have a padlock on their locker at all times.  Students can significantly enhance the security of their locker and protect their personal belongings.  When we walk around the school, there are still many lockers without padlocks.  It is a student’s responsibility to have a padlock on their locker in order to secure their belongings during the school day and particularly at night.  Stay safe and secure – ensure you have a padlock on your locker at all times.



Riding Bikes to School 

Please ensure that if you ride your bike to school that you walk your bike within the school grounds. At the beginning and end of the school day the carpark and the street are very busy and the risk of an accident is high. Your safety and the safety of others is your responsibility.