Year One Team News
with Edan, Claire, Kayleen & Anna
Year One Team News
with Edan, Claire, Kayleen & Anna
Dear Year One Families,
We cannot believe we are heading into Week 7 already! The Year One team would like to extend a big congratulations to our students for the stamina and resilience they have displayed so far this term. Our incursion this week was a huge success. We encourage our Grade 1s to practise their new learned relaxation techniques at home.
Curriculum Focus: Weeks 7 - 8
Reading: We are continuing the Little Learners Love Literacy program that students commenced last year in Prep. During this term we will be revising stage 7.1 of the program which focuses on vowel graphemes. Our focus for week 7 will be the phoneme ‘o’ represented by the grapheme ‘oa’, and our focus for week 8 will suffix “ing”.
Writing: Writing ideas will be inspired by our work in Inquiry and through the picture books we read. We will be working on sentence structure and remembering our capital letters and full stops, and having a go at our spelling by using the great strategies that we learned in Prep.
Numeracy: We will be looking at learning about and practising different strategies to represent and solve subtraction and addition problems.
Inquiry: We are discussing what good learners do, and setting up the routines in our classroom so that everyone feels safe and supported.
Willy Kids/Respectful Relationships: Through the pillar of Respect, we are learning about being social and how Willy Kids can be inclusive and make new connections within our community. During our Respectful Relationships sessions our topic this term is Emotional Literacy. We have been learning and will continue to focus on recognising and identifying our own emotions and describing situations that may evoke these emotions.
Warm regards,
The Grade One Team – Edan Bacegga (1B), Claire Davies (1D) &
Kayleen Dumic & Anna Swan (1K)