Digital Learning
Resources to support families and students to be safe and responsible digital citizens
Digital Learning
Resources to support families and students to be safe and responsible digital citizens
Hello everyone,
Our Grade 3 and 5 students will sit their NAPLAN tests next from Wednesday, 12th March. All NAPLAN tests (except Grade 3 Writing) are completed online using the NAP Locked Down Browser App. Families of Grade 3 and 5 students who use a personal iPad at school are reminded to download the app in preparation for next month’s tests.
Download the app from the app store. The app requires iOs 17.3. iPads may need updating to ensure the app works best.
Last week, all Grade 3/4 grades participated in their first eSafety lesson for the year. The focus was being safe online and creating folders and a focus setting on the iPad.
A focus setting creates a setting on the iPad that turns off notifications during school hours whilst at Willy Primary. This will help ensure any notification from an app or iMessage doesn’t pop up on the screen to distract our students from their learning.
We created folders to separate school apps and personal apps. This helps students organise their apps in a way they will find them easier. It also helps alleviate access to non-school apps.
Finally, we looked at important strategies to help keep our devices and ourselves safe.
We discussed the following -
Password protect your device — on mobiles and tablets set a PIN or passcode and on laptops or computers use a password.
Don’t use unknown or free wi-fi connections — if there is no password to get online, cybercriminals can steal your data and personal information.
Use in-built security features — make sure functions like ‘find my phone’ and other apps are set up on your device.
Update your operating system, software and apps — this will ensure you have the most up to date security features.
Install security or anti-virus software — this will help to keep your devices free of viruses and malware.
Back up your data — always back up data from your phone, computer or tablet
Explore together — ask your mum, dad, carer or a trusted adult to play new games or apps with you at first.
Stay close by — when you use a phone, tablet or computer by yourself, make sure your mum, dad or carer is nearby so you can get help if you need it. Bonus tip — don’t use your device alone in your bedroom.
Ask before you download, install or buy anything — check with your mum, dad or carer first.
Keep your personal information private — don’t give out your address, which school you go to, phone number or passwords. Find out more.
Check your privacy settings and talk about what to share — make your online accounts private and talk to your mum, dad or carer about the kinds of photos and information it is OK for you to share online. Find out more in the eSafety Guide.
Cyberbullying — if you receive a mean message, or a message that is mean about someone else, try not to respond and don’t forward it. Tell an adult you trust about it and read our tips on what to do.
If you see something online you don’t like — show your mum, dad, carer or a trusted adult immediately.
If someone you don’t know sends you a message or you receive a message that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe — tell your mum, dad, carer or an adult you trust straight away.
Only ‘friend’ or add people you know in real life — remember that not everyone online is who they say they are, so don’t accept friend requests or followers you don’t know.
Don’t meet up with online friends — It is best to keep ‘online friends’ online, so if you do chat to other kids in online games don’t meet up with them in person.
We encourage all families to continually discuss their child’s online activity.
Steven Puhar
Leading Teacher - Curriculum Leader
Williamstown Primary School acknowledges the recent Human Rights Watch report on Edutech in privacy violations and findings.
Williamstown Primary works closely with the DET’s Digital Learning and privacy teams to ensure that all DET guidelines regarding the implementation of digital devices are followed.
Attached is the school’s digital statement outlining the online platforms and their privacy policies that the school uses on a day-to-day basis.
As part of the school’s ongoing student education, the school will further enhance key understandings around user privacy, as well as the tools available on selected devices.
This will be embedded within the current school’s eSafety program that currently sees students undertake numerous digital workshops run by both school leadership, classroom teachers and external providers such as the Alannah and Madeline Foundation’s eSmart organisation.
Parents are advised of a key iPad feature to turn tracking off. This feature will be explicitly demonstrated to students within the school-based workshops.
Go to Settings > Privacy > Tracking.
The list shows the apps that requested permission to track you. You can turn permission on or off for any app on the list.
To stop all apps from asking permission to track you, turn off Allow Apps to Request to Track (at the top of the screen).
Below is a link to the schools Digital Learning page. This page contains key information about the school's implementation of the digital technology curriculum as a tool within a blended learning environment.
The JB HiFi purchase portal is again available for Willy PS families. The schools recommended minimum specification device is the iPad Gen 9, but the portal does also offer a range of iPad models and accessories. Although students have access to bluetooth keyboards we also recommend the Smart Keyboard or a 3rd party keyboard incorporated within the cover. This accessory will add value to the users experience.
Please also note the change in School Code.
Although the portal is set up through JB HI-FI on behalf of the school, we encourage families to explore all purchase options.
Please find attached documents released by DET.
The first document gives a deeper understanding of the DET licences G Suite for Education, how it is set up and how it differs from the public Google platform.
The second document provides families with supporting resources on how to protect individuals privacy online.
The Department of Education information pack for parents is available from the following link: