Wellbeing & Inclusion
at Willy
Wellbeing & Inclusion
at Willy
Willy Kids: Time to relax, breathe and think
As parents and teachers we want our children to live in emotional balance and to show resilience and stability in the face of life’s challenges. We wish for our children to be happy and well-adjusted and much of what we do is motivated by this desire. Unfortunately, the levels of stress experienced by children today is estimated to have increased 45% over the past 30 years. Teaching children relaxation techniques has become an effective tool in reducing stress and promoting overall mental health and wellbeing.
Relaxation techniques are effective in helping to:
Relaxation techniques to help reduce anxiety:
This gives children of all ages an awareness of and power over their thoughts and feelings without suppressing them. It aids in developing self-awareness and self-acceptance and in turn builds self-management strategies. The discovery of an internal sense of calm, even amongst the chaos, leads to greater happiness and wellbeing.
Yogic breathing exercises
These are effective in slowing the breathing rate and calming the nervous system. ‘Watching the breath’ and feeling all the sensations in the nose, throat, belly etc or ‘counting the breath’ up to ten breaths and repeating helps to build concentration and can become a complete meditation in themselves.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
These exercises help to release physical tension from the muscles, lower blood pressure and slow the heart rate. It is a great technique to use before going to bed to ensure a restful night’s sleep.
Legs Up The Wall Pose
Lie down on the floor or on the bed and lift the legs up onto the wall, so the back lays flat on the floor, buttocks are at the juncture of the floor and the wall, and legs are up the wall. This yoga pose is known as a ‘cure all’ and is perfect for calming the nervous system, slowing down the heart rate and lowering blood pressure.
Hot Water Bottle
Taking a hot water bottle to bed can warm the body and allow it to relax more easily. Children can lay it on their belly, encouraging better digestion which can be an issue for nervous tummies.
There are some great guided visualisations for kids in the form of books or audio CD’s.
Actively listening to or drawing to soothing music helps to focus the attention on the senses and away from negative thinking.
Beyond Blue is a fantastic resource for parents and teachers, and they have some great relaxation exercises to try with your children.
If your child is in Prep, Year 1 or Year 2, they were lucky to have taken part in our Wellbeing Incursion - Mind and Body. They learnt lots of tips and strategies to help them relax and to practice mindfulness. With the use of yoga mats and personal headphones offering instructions and calming music, our junior Willy Kids had a peaceful and relaxing experience!
Kind regards,
Lisa Leydin Anna Swan
Assistant Principal Learning Specialist
Disability, Inclusion & Wellbeing Disability and Inclusion & Mental Health and Wellbeing (Mon-Thur)