Faith News...

Sacramental Program 2025

An Operoo form was sent in December to families of Students in Grade 3, Grade 4 and Grade 6, regarding Expressions of Interest for the Sacramental Program in 2025, if you have not yet responded please do so asap.


If you have any questions please contact Miss Dullard via email 


A sacrament is a sign of Jesus' love, given to us through the Church. At St Joseph’s we invite children to formally celebrate the following Sacraments in 2025: 

  • Sacrament of Reconciliation - Grade 3 or above
  • Sacrament of First Holy Communion - Grade 4 or above
  • Sacrament of Confirmation - Grade 6.

We also support all members of our community who are interested in becoming baptised Catholics. If your child or any member of your family would like to be baptised please speak to us about how we can assist you with this.